Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 891: The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (7)

  Chapter 891 The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (7)

  Rong Lin was a little emotional, and he knew that he shouldn't leave Rong Qing. He had only been away for a while, and something happened to Rong Qing! It's no wonder that when he was in southern Xinjiang, people stared at Rong Qing every day, even if Rong Qing sneezed twice, he would immediately rush back from the battlefield. It's that guy...he needs someone to take care of him!

   "Rong Lin, calm down first, let's discuss and discuss countermeasures first." Ning Yue said with her eyes fixed.

   "I can't calm down!" Rong Lin trembled, pacing up and down the room.

  Ning Yue knew that he and his elder brother had been living together for ten years, and their relationship was unusually deep. If his elder brother had an accident, he would be sadder than anyone else. Ning Yue didn't mind his swearing, she turned her head to look at Xuanyin and said, "It was Suhuo, Suhuo lured Wangfei to tell the secret. I don't know if those tokens were also given to Suhuo by Wangfei."

   It's very simple for the princess to tell the truth, all you need to do is send a message to the imperial concubine.

  Xuan Yin's face was terribly dark: "This old thing Suhuo! He's actually in the capital!"

   He wasn't surprised that the concubine colluded with Suhuo, that woman is just so stupid! Anyone can easily use it! All these years, it's thanks to his father that he didn't find a concubine, and it's also thanks to him, a concubine, who didn't have any crooked thoughts, otherwise, with her pig brain, she would have gone to the west to see the Buddha long ago!

  Of course, on the other hand, he was very surprised that Suhuo could find the princess.

   "Suhuo knows us very well." He said thoughtfully.

   "I also feel the same way. He seems to be aware of everyone's weakness, and knows who is the easiest to attack. Tell me, did he plant an eyeliner in the capital?" Ning Yue asked suspiciously.

"Most likely." Xuanyin tapped his fingers on the table a few times, "The Xuan family is the most powerful warlord in Xiliang, if the Xuan family is defeated, Xiliang's combat power will be weakened a lot. If Suhuo is for this purpose It seems that there is nothing unreasonable for coming to deal with us."

  Ning Yue pondered for a moment: "But you still think his purpose is not that simple, do you?"

   "Yes." Xuanyin paused, "Forget it, now is not the time to discuss this, first find Su Huo and Rong Qing, and let the grievances be cleared!"

  Ning Yue calmed down and asked: "Is there any conflict between Suhuo and my elder brother? Will he treat my elder brother..."

When the matter developed to this point, Xuanyin couldn't hide it from her anymore: "Suhuo was jealous of your elder brother, and tried to kill him several times. The bones of my subordinates were almost cut off, just to block the knife for your elder brother .”

   "That **** Suhuo!"

  Ning Yue clenched her teeth.

  Xuan Yin patted her on the shoulder, and said with relief: "But don't worry, since he rescued Rong Qing as the Xuan family, your elder brother will not be in danger of his life until the Xuan family is convicted."

   Just because her life is not in danger doesn’t mean she’s fine, that perverted guy, what if he tortures her elder brother?

  Ning Yue hugged Xuanyin's neck: "Xuanyin, you must find my elder brother! As soon as possible!"

"Okay." Xuanyin hugged her tightly, with the tip of his nose against her soft neck, "I will separate from Rong Lin, you wait for the news at home. You are still so weak, take care of yourself, don't let us have any worries. "

   "Yes." Ning Yue choked up and nodded.

  After Xuan Yin and Rong Lin left, Ning Yue went to see Lin Lanzhi in the room.

  Lin Lanzhi woke up, she was in a daze, her eyes were empty.

  Ning Yue stroked her shoulder distressedly: "Mother, are you okay?"

Lin Lanzhi looked at Ning Yue, and then at the empty room: "Sure enough, it was a dream. I said that your elder brother has been dead for so many years, how could he come back to life? Is it because I'm crazy again? I'm fine now, I'm fine. , are you hungry? I'll cook for you."

  (end of this chapter)

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