Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 892: The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (8)

  Chapter 892 The prince is angry and reaps the consequences (8)

   She said, got out of bed, and went to the small kitchen in a trance.

  Ning Yue decided not to wait for Xuan Yin and Rong Lin, but wanted to visit Dali Temple to see if she could get some useful news from the princess.

   But Dali Temple is not so easy to enter.

  Guo Kuang couldn't bring her in.

  Ning Yue hesitated for a while, then drove to Tianji Pavilion.

   "Hey, what wind brought the Princess of the County here? I thought I would never see the Princess of the County again after the transaction was completed!" Xiao Su said with a smile on his face, holding his wine glass.

  Ning Yue took out ten golden tickets from her bosom: "You can buy everything in Tianji Pavilion, I wonder if I can buy a chance to enter Dali Temple?"

  The corners of Xiao Su's mouth twitched: "Dali Temple is the place where you don't want to enter! Don't do it, don't do it! If it is discovered, the business of Tianji Pavilion will not continue!"

   "Recipe for Afulan."

  Xiao Su was taken aback: "What did you say?"

   "I said, I'll give you the recipe for Afulan."

"Cut~" Xiao Su leaned back in the chair slowly, "I've got the formula of Afulong, it's actually very simple, just cut open the poppy fruit, let the milk flow out to ferment, and then boil it. "

  Ning Yue sneered: "This is the lowest level of drugs, have you ever eaten other things extracted from Afulan?"

   "Anything else?"

   "Poison can be extracted from arsenic, and good things can naturally be extracted from Afulan. Those are the ones that really make people want to die." Ning Yue smiled bewitchingly.

  Xiao Su really became interested, and squinted his eyes: "Princess Princess, you are hiding very deeply!"

  Ning Yue smiled lightly: "If you don't hide some skills, how can you discuss life with Mr. Xiao?"

Xiao Su received the 10,000 taels of gold into his arms: "We have a guest here who happens to be an errand in Dali Temple. He can take you anywhere in Dali Temple. I only regard this money as your filial piety to him. Of course , you don't mind if I take half of it?"

   "I don't mind." Ning Yue smiled.

   Half an hour later, Ning Yue was dressed in the clothes of a cook, and was taken into the cell by a tall and burly man.

  The so-called ability to go anywhere is just for the sake of delivering meals.

   Time is not long, Ning Yue must hurry up.

  The prisoners in Dali Temple are all important criminals. The guards and facilities in the cells are higher than those in Jingzhao Mansion, but no matter how high the level is, they are still cells.

  The female relatives and the male were held in two cells, next to each other and able to see each other.

  Xuan Xiaoying blinked her bright eyes, and nestled in the princess' arms: "Mother, it's so smelly and dark here, I want to go home."

  Princess's nose burst into pantothenic acid.


  Gen Sakura's stomach growled.

   "Concubine Mu, I'm so hungry."

  Qin'er took out a candy from her purse: "Here."

  Xuan Xiaoying reached out to pick it up, but before she touched the candy, she was hit by a whip on the back of her hand, and the back of her hand instantly swelled into a big lump, and she cried in pain.

  The female relatives were stunned, but the father and son became furious instantly, especially Xuanzhao, who couldn't hold his breath, rushed to the prison door and grabbed the jailer's neck: "Are you sick? Are you beating such a young child?"

  The jailer was intimidated by his aura, and he muttered for a while, unable to utter a word.

   Xuan Yu glanced at the jailer coldly, and said to Xuan Zhao: "Come back to me!"

   Xuanzhao gritted his teeth, and angrily let go of the jailer: "Damn! If you let me know who the **** is so wicked, Yinrongqing and Yinxuan's family are behind the scenes, I will definitely kill him!"

  (end of this chapter)

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