Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 896: Turning the East and the West to Save the Day (3)

  Chapter 896 Stealing the East and Attacking the West to save the day (3)

   is cold sweat.

   Xuanyin held her in his arms distressedly: "Didn't I let you worry about it? I will find your elder brother."

   "I have to do something, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable." Ning Yue leaned on his chest, there was someone to rely on when he was lost and helpless, and his heart seemed to be less disturbed, "How is the result of the search?"

   "Rong Lin and I went to the farmhouse, and Suhuo and the others just left, we were one step late." Thinking of the missed step, Xuan Yin's face was cold.

  Ning Yue thought about the one step difference he said, and frowned slightly: "They left in a hurry?"

"It's very urgent. The sparks are not extinguished, and the dishes and chopsticks are not cleaned up. You can judge their number at a glance." This is not a good thing for them. For example, he knows that there are six of them, including Rong Qing. If there are seven, then when searching, you will pay special attention to the number of teams. Of course, it is not ruled out that they act separately, but there will always be contact with each other, which is very beneficial to the arrest operation.

  Ning Yue naturally thought of this, and couldn't help but wonder: "Why didn't you pack up before leaving? Could it be that you alarmed them?"

   Xuanyin said firmly: "No, I went with Rong Lin, and I didn't take anyone else with me." With their martial arts, it is absolutely impossible for Suhuo and his party to notice.

   "That means they got the news in advance and knew that you were going to find them?" Ning Yue asked suspiciously.

   "This is the most likely." Xuan Yin paused for a moment, and said with deep eyes, "then there is one more thing."


   "When we chased to the river, we suddenly lost their track. I guess they either jumped into the river or escaped on a bamboo raft."

   "Jump into the river?"

   Xuanyin pondered for a moment, and said: "Combined with the previous situation, I am more inclined to the second one."

  Ning Yue blinked: "How to say?"

"Someone told them to run away quickly, and by the way, prepared bamboo rafts and designed escape routes for them." Xuan Yin's handsome face gradually showed a trace of solemnity, "They have an internal response, and that internal response is well aware of our actions, and they can always be the first to escape." Let's take a step."

   "Could it be a traitor?" This was Ning Yue's first reaction.

  Xuan Yin rubbed his chin: "Only Rong Lin and I know about the news about the farmhouse. It is unlikely that there will be a traitor on our side. See if anyone has heard about it on your side."

"The Xuan family has heard about it, but they are unlikely to inform Suhuo..." Ning Yue said, lowering her eyes, "You mentioned earlier that Suhuo was able to find the princess as an ally because of his love for every one of us. Personal weakness is very clear, knowing who is the easiest to attack, he must have an internal response in the capital. I think, I know who that internal response is."


   There is a palace, with bucket arches and cornices, with emerald peaks and ridges. Zhu Ting stands on the lake, the lake is shimmering, and the reflection is curling.

  In the pavilion, a man in purple was sitting at a stone table, playing chess alone.

  He has a strong figure, a slender waistline, elegant and ascetic.

  He is wearing a silver mask, which is so dazzling that no one dares to despise it when the sun and the lake light intersect.

  He also has a pair of very quiet eyes, like a bottomless abyss after a stormy sea and under the rings of the years.

  Little Lizi came quietly to the outside of the gazebo, afraid of disturbing the other party, Fu lowered his body, and whispered respectfully: "My lord, the princess of the Zhongshan Palace is asking to see you."

  Sikong Shuo paused the hand holding the chess piece: "Understood, bring her in."

  Little Lizi was a little dazed. If it wasn't for his amazing hearing, he would have thought he heard it wrong. The palace is not a place where everyone can come in. Back then, Sikong Lin and Sikongjing sisters worked hard and wanted to go to the palace, but they were all rejected by the lord. Not only them, even the protagonist's biological father, Patriarch Sikong, did not have this honor.

  (end of this chapter)

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