Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 897: Turning the East and the West to Save the Day (4)

  Chapter 897 Stealing the East and Attacking the West to save the day (4)

   So far, the only exception is Xuanyin, Prince of Yin County.

   That guy swaggered into the palace, like an uncle, but the lord didn't let anyone throw him out.

   Later, he set fire to the palace again, the secret room was burned, and all the files of the lord were burned. That **** is really naughty enough to make people want to beat him up.

   But the lord didn't say a word about it.

  He thought that the lord would kill that little brat.

  Oh, there was another time, when the lord was going back to the palace, when he passed by Xuan's house, the little brat suddenly rushed over and rushed on the lord's steps.

  According to the temper of the lord, the boy should be torn, torn into pieces, and then marinated with salt and sauce to feed the beagle in the palace.

  The lord only made him verbally owe a favor, and even fought with Xuan Yu to cover him from escaping.

  The lord has never been so polite to his own brothers, just look at what happened to Sikong Cheng.

  I don't know if it's his illusion, but he always feels that the lord is very tolerant of that little bastard. But to say that the protagonist likes each other is not always the case.

  In any case, Xuanyin is a rather special existence.

  Maybe, because she is Xuanyin's wife, the lord made an exception again?

  Little Lizi couldn't guess what the lord was thinking, so he welcomed Ning Yue in honestly.

  Here, Ning Yue entered the palace for the first time after her rebirth. In her previous life, she grew up here. From the age of thirteen to thirty, she spent most of her time here. Every flower, every tree, every grass and every tree here, she can name with her eyes closed.

   When passing a banyan tree, Ning Yue stopped.

  The bird's nest on the banyan tree is still there.

  She once climbed up a tree in order to dig out that bird's egg, but she scratched her clothes and was very happy. She couldn't get down by herself, and she didn't dare to ask someone to come, so she waited on the tree for three days, dizzy from hunger, and finally waited for Sikong Shuo to come back from Youzhou.

   That was the first time he hugged her.

  She still remembers his hands, which were too cold to be warm, tore her clothes and threw her into the hot spring.

  She was too scared to move.

he's gone.

  She passed out in the hot spring.

  Woke up on his bed, and he was sleeping next to her, wearing a mask, but he was so good-looking.

  How old was she then? Thirteen? Such a small child, unexpectedly secretly kissed him while he was asleep.

  After that, it was like an addiction, as long as he was sleeping, she would run to secretly kiss him.

  He didn't wake up once.

  The sweetness of the past, even after a lifetime, recalling it still makes her heart ache. Because he loved her deeply and couldn't extricate himself, that's why when he threw her into a dungeon, he felt as uncomfortable as going to hell.

  She had been waiting for him for ten years, hoping that he would pick her up every day.

   But she never saw him again until she died.

   That's why she hates him!

  No matter what, you can't forgive him!

  In this life, even if she doesn't marry, even if she doesn't meet Xuan Yin, she will never look at him more than once!

  Little Lizi was walking, but he didn't hear anything, so he hurriedly looked back, and saw Ning Yue staring at the banyan tree in a daze, with a soft expression and a vicious expression, which made him feel scared.

   "Princess Princess, this way please." He reminded.

  Ning Yue came back to her senses and smiled: "Thank you, little Eunuch Li."


  Ning Yue met Sikong Shuo in the gazebo.

Sikong Shuo sat with the backlight, the sun slanted on his body, the purple gold jade crown was shining brightly, half a silver mask was delicately and elegantly placed on the bridge of the nose, and the **** and ruddy lips were slightly raised, it was an upside-down look. The arc of all beings.

  (end of this chapter)

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