Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 898: Turning the East and the West to Save the Day (5)

  Chapter 898 Stealing the East and Attacking the West to save the day (5)

  He was facing the direction Ning Yue had come from, and when he saw Ning Yue, he smiled softly: "How could the princess of the county come to visit me? Could it be that she finally fell in love with me?"

  Ning Yue smiled faintly: "I came here to express my gratitude to Mr. Zhongchang Shi. I heard about the matter of the sky thunder and stone. Thanks to Mr. Xuanyin's help, Xuanyin and I were not struck to death by lightning."

   "That's why." Sikong Shuo tapped lightly on the table a few times.

  Ning Yue raised her eyebrows, and Xuan Yin also liked to tap her fingers. These two people were obviously not familiar with each other, but their habits were coincidentally similar, and their backs were also similar. That time he would recognize Xuan Yin as him, except for the identical cloak, the backs and certain temperaments of the two of them could almost be confused with the real one.

   "What is the princess of the county thinking? Are my hands so pretty?" Sikong Shuo looked at her and asked with a graceful smile.

  Ning Yue smiled and said, "It's okay."

  Sikong Shuo pointed to the stone bench opposite.

  Ning Yue sat down, her pale little face could not see the original sickness because of the rouge.

  But Sikong Shuo could still see her weakness at a glance, and said: "Your body is not ready yet, so you shouldn't come out to have a wind."

  Ning Yue smiled: "It's nothing serious. Walking more is also good for recovery."

Sikong Shuoping dismissed the eunuchs and maids, poured a cup of hot tea for Ning Yue himself, and said, "The princess of the county does not need to be grateful to me for the matter of Tian Leishi. It is not a loss for me to exchange a favor from Prince Yin." .”

   "What's his is his, what's mine is mine. I have to say this thank you to you personally anyway." Ning Yue said with a smile.

   "It sounds as if you are so moved that you are willing to give yourself a promise. If so, I can accept it with difficulty." He took a sip of tea and said leisurely.

  Ning Yue shrugged, and said amusedly: "Can my lord stop joking with me like this every time? It's actually not funny at all."

  Sikong Shuo took another sip of tea, his finger was on the white porcelain teacup, which was more delicate and beautiful than white porcelain: "I am serious, Ma Ningyue."

  Ning Yue sighed helplessly: "I really don't understand this, don't you men all like big girls with yellow flowers? How can I be attracted by such an outstanding man as my lord?"

   "I'm an eunuch, not as popular as you think." Sikong Shuo said jokingly.

   "My lord, just relying on this skin, is enough to fascinate people." Ning Yue said with a light smile.

  Sikong Shuo's lips twitched: "Did I fascinate you?"

  Ning Yue shook her head: "I won't anymore, I am completely immune to adults, so adults don't need to make secret glances at me anymore, I don't take this kind of thing."

  Sikong Shuo didn't seem to want to let go of any loopholes in her words: "Already? That means there was once."

   This guy is really unusually sharp.

  Sikong Shuo paused, and the smile on the corner of his lips was stained with a hint of joking: "Is it your previous life again? I have fascinated you in my previous life?"

   "Yeah." Ning Yue didn't deny it, holding the teacup, looking down at the emerald green tea leaves floating in the cup.

Sikong Shuo took the cold tea in her hand, and gave her a cup of hot one: "Ma Ningyue, if you want to procrastinate, procrastinate a bit more, and say more things I like to hear, it's always like a sawed-off mouth." My gourd, I can't stay here any longer."

  Ning Yue laughed at herself: "I really can't hide anything from my lord."

  But I never thought of hiding it from you, Ning Yue added in her heart.

  Sikong Shuo smiled disdainfully: "He couldn't find it, so your efforts are wasted this time."

  (end of this chapter)

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