Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 899: Turning the East and the West to Save the Day (6)

  Chapter 899 Stealing the East and Attacking the West to save the day (6)

  Ning Yue shook the cup in his hand: "Can I understand that... Your Excellency admits that he has hidden his fire?"

  Sikong Shuo smiled: "The reaction is not slow."

Ning Yue sighed: "My lord is making fun of me. If I really reacted quickly, I shouldn't have gone to Tianji Pavilion to buy the opportunity of Dali Temple. Isn't this clearly putting my every move in the eyes of your lord?" down there?"

  The cook who brought her into the prison and helped him fill the jailer with wine was probably a master of martial arts. He heard her conversation with the Xuan family clearly, so he was able to notify Suhuo to evacuate before they did.

  Sikong Shuo smiled wickedly: "I'm not just growing your age for nothing."

   "Yeah, **** is still old and hot." Ning Yue rolled up her wide sleeves, "It's selling black iron again, and colluding with Suhuo. Is your lord really going to punish Xiliang to death?"

   "This seat is all about your Xuan family."

   Really straightforward!

  The only one who dared to speak out about his purpose without hesitation was this Zhongchang Attendant.

   When she found out about selling black iron, he was also so calm.

  He never seemed to panic when the plot was revealed.

   "Where does your lord get the confidence that you are not afraid that we will confess your lord?" Ning Yue asked.

  Sikong Shuo glanced at her: "I thought you would ask me why I colluded with Suhuo?"

"It has already happened, why do you ask it? It's just that in the eyes of adults, the Xuan family is worse than the people of Southern Border. In order to get rid of the Xuan family, the adults can do any shameful things. Instigate wars, give the enemy Selling arms, colluding with Suhuo..." Ning Yue smiled faintly, "I didn't expect my lord to hate the Xuan family so much."

  In the previous life, Sikong Shuo made the Xuan family mess up. She used to think that it was because the Xuan family threatened Sikong Shuo's status, but in this life, she didn't think so. Sikong Shuo's hostility towards the Xuan family seemed to be a kind of hatred from the bottom of his heart. Don't ask her why she knows, after rebirth, people's intuition becomes much sharper.

   "But my lord, my elder brother is innocent, if you do this, I will hate you."

  Sikong Shuo's eyes flashed a trace of mockery: "Even if I don't do it, don't you hate me?"

   "That's true. However, if you don't move my elder brother, I just hate you, but I won't run to deal with you. But now, my lord, even if I am a cat, I have been made angry by you."

Sikong Shuo stretched out his cold hand and pinched Ning Yue's chin. A chill spread from his fingertips to her limbs and bones: "Then let me see what it looks like when you lose your temper. Look at your Can the little sharp claws scratch this seat, or... just scratch it!"

  Ning Yue fearlessly met his dark eyes, and said quietly: "My lord, don't regret it."

Sikong Shuo's lips curled up, and he said arrogantly: "You Xuan family, I don't pay attention to you, a little princess of the county, who dare to say that I will regret it? Well, I am waiting for such a day , let's see if I regret provoking you, or you regret pushing me away!"

  Ning Yue took his hand away, stood up and said, "It's almost time, I should go."

  Sikong Shuo smiled flirtatiously: "Leave so soon? You think highly of Xuanyin too much. I can't search all the time in my palace!"

  Ning Yue turned her head and smiled: "Who said they want to search your palace?"

  Sikong Shuo squinted his eyes.

  Ning Yue's thin lips parted slightly, and she paused each word: "What we want to search is Sikong's house, your mother's yard."

  (end of this chapter)

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