Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 912: cruel queen (2)

  Chapter 912 Cruel abuse of the princess (2)

  He felt unwilling to make a wedding dress for others.

   Even after the Xuan family robbed him, he threw everyone in the Xuan family into prison in a rage.

  In fact, if you think about it carefully, the Xuan family may have been wronged.

   But if all the words are released, it is not easy to change the order overnight, which will affect the royal dignity.

   What's more, the Xuan family's achievements are so high that there is an opportunity to punish the Xuan family. He can't let it go easily, can he?

  But he hadn't been playing for a few days, Xuanyin found him back.

"Cough!" He cleared his throat, his majestic eyes glanced at Xuan Yin, who was standing upright, and the second master of the Ma family, who was obviously nervous, and said in a drawn-out tone, "I heard that you found Qing Ma Ke? "

   Xuanyin said with a calm face: "Yes, I found him, but he was injured and couldn't come to face the saint."

  The emperor looked at the second master.

The second master has never had such a close contact with the emperor, so he was unavoidably nervous for a while. It took him a long time to realize that the emperor was looking at him, and he broke into a cold sweat from fright. , the doctor showed him, and said he needs to rest for a few days.”

  The emperor hummed indifferently, and asked again: "How did you get hurt?"

  The second master glanced at Xuanyin, Xuanyin nodded, he understood, and said to the emperor: "Those who were beaten by those robbers are his colleagues in southern Xinjiang and his enemies."

  The emperor became interested: "Why are you a colleague and an enemy?"

"Probably out of jealousy." The second master said, "Because they both work under the Queen of Nanjiang, the Queen of Nanjiang pays more attention to Weichen's nephew. hand."

After finishing speaking, the second master immediately felt a layer of anxiety. On the way here, the two discussed Rong Qing's matter. King Yinjun told him that everything was true and true, including the empress of Nanjiang's respect for Rong Qing . He personally felt that this was inappropriate, as it would let the emperor see the intimacy between Rong Qing and Nanjiang. He thought, when the emperor asked him, he would say that it was Rong Qing who showed his determination to be loyal to Xiliang, which provoked the Southern Xinjiang people to hunt him down. But for some reason, as soon as his tongue got stuck, he still told what Xuanyin taught.

  The emperor...would you be angry with Rong Qing?

  The emperor was indeed very angry! His minister, his prime minister, went to another country to become a military adviser, and he was the most respected one. Just thinking about it makes people angry!

   "He is treason!"

  The emperor slammed the table!

  The second master was so frightened that he fell to his knees on the ground!

  He just said it? You can't admit that Rong Qing is doing well in southern Xinjiang, can you? Now it's all right, the emperor is angry, Rong Qing is in danger, and the Ma family may also be implicated.

  Hey, he is so stupid, he would actually believe the words of a young boy, so what if he has made some military exploits? He has seen a lot of brave and foolish generals, and all of them lost their lives because of a few verbal mistakes!

He was in a hurry to get angry, but Xuanyin smiled lightly and said lightly: "Your Majesty, Rong Qing just lost his memory. He woke up in Nanjiang, so he thought he was from Nanjiang, so he helped the Nanjiang court." work."

  The emperor was startled: "Amnesia?"

Xuanyin nodded: "That's right, he fell into the moat and soaked in the river for a long time, his lower body was paralyzed, and his memory was damaged. He climbed up the bank in a daze, and climbed into a carriage pulling goods. In the carriage, he He developed a high fever, fell into a coma, and woke up in Nanjiang. He didn't remember anything before, and that's why he thought he was from Nanjiang as the minister said earlier."

  The emperor secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  (end of this chapter)

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