Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 913: cruel queen (3)

  Chapter 913 Violently abused the princess (3)

  If it was for this reason that Rong Qing pledged his allegiance to Southern Xinjiang, it would not be considered unforgivable.

   "Ma Yuan sneaked into the palace and was about to assassinate Rong Qing, but unexpectedly found that it was his son who had been dead for many years, so he brought his son out." Xuanyin said again.

  The emperor was slightly stunned again: "Ma Yuan disappeared and went to the Southern Border Palace? What about the others?"

   "I got separated from Rong Qing halfway, and I haven't returned yet." Xuan Yin said truthfully.

  The emperor nodded, and asked again: "Did Rong Qing recover his memory?"

   "Not yet, but he already knows that he is from Xiliang, and he has also recognized his sister and mother."

   After Xuanyin finished speaking calmly, the second master broke into a cold sweat again, obediently, wouldn't it be better to say that Rong Qing had recovered her memory? In that way, the emperor will be more able to trust Rong Qing's determination to serve the country faithfully!

  The emperor fell into a brief silence, and then he looked at Xuanyin fixedly and said, "Have you caught the Southern Xinjiang assassin who kidnapped Rong Qing?"

   "Three were killed, and four are still absconding." Xuanyin said without changing his face and heartbeat. It was impossible for him to let the emperor catch Suhuo, because Suhuo was involved in too many things, one of which was related to Zhongshan Palace.

   "I see, you all should step back first."

  The second master's eyebrows twitched: "Ah...this..."

  Xuan Yin pressed his shoulder and stopped him from saying: "Second Uncle, it's time to go back."

  The second master looked at him, then at the emperor, and heaved a long sigh.

  After leaving the palace, the second master expressed his doubts in his heart: "Prince Yinjun, why are you so honest? Isn't it better to keep some things secret?"

   "Rong Qing asked you to hide it?" Xuanyin asked back.

  The second master shook his head: "No, he asked me to tell the truth. But I always feel that doing so is too risky, and it is too late for him to separate himself from Nanjiang, but he has to let the emperor know that the Nanjiang royal family values ​​him. This..."

Seeing that he was the second uncle of Ning Yue, Xuan Yin patiently explained to him: "The emperor is not a fool, you can hide things if you can't find any traces, but Rong Qing is too famous in southern Xinjiang, so send someone casually Go and investigate, and you will know the truth. If you only want to lie to the emperor smoothly for a while, even if the emperor is happy at the moment, when the truth comes out, he will be a hundred times angrier than today!"

   On the contrary, although the emperor was **** off today, all that should have been done was gone, and Rong Qing would have nothing to **** him off in the future.

  The second master thought that this was indeed the case, and couldn't help pinching himself secretly. After living half his life, he was not as calm as a twenty-year-old young man.

   An hour later, the emperor "amnesty" Rong Qing. The so-called amnesty means that Rong Qing can recuperate at home first, and then go to Dali Temple for inspection when he recovers. After all, the words of Xuanyin and the second master are just one-sided words. To completely clear Rong Qing's charges, more powerful witnesses and physical evidence are needed.

  As for the matter of the Xuan family's collusion with people from southern Xinjiang, the emperor also granted an "amnesty" temporarily. Although the three southern border killers were caught, they were already dead after all, and there was no proof of death. Who knew whether the tokens of the Xuan family in their hands were stolen by themselves or given by the Xuan family?

  The Xuan family still cannot get rid of the suspicion of collaborating with the enemy and treason. But for the sake of the Xuan family's loyal service to the country for many years, the emperor pardoned the Xuan family to accept censorship in the palace.

   To put it bluntly, it is house arrest.

   Zhongshan Wang and his son were forced to suspend their posts, and they will not be reinstated until their innocence is thoroughly proven.

  The Zhongshan Prince's Mansion, which dominates Xiliang, seems to have fallen from heaven to **** overnight. People who used to rush to curry favor with them, when they see them again, they will turn around and leave like a mouse seeing a cat! It's not because he's afraid, but because he's afraid of getting involved with traitors, so he gets himself involved. There are also people who used to kneel and lick their feet, but now there is only ridicule and ridicule.

  (end of this chapter)

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