Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 915: cruel queen (5)

  Chapter 915 Violently abuses the princess (5)

  The sincerity of what she said touched everyone present at once, Xuanzhao said: "Mother and concubine, since my brother and sister sincerely apologize to you, please forgive her!"

"Yes, concubine mother, Yue'er is young and can't control his temper. But Yue'er is good, and we all see it. Thanks to Yue'er and Xiaoyin this time, we can get out of prison. Come out." Sun Yao said softly.

  Qin'er also echoed: "Yes, Second Aunt, just give Third Sister-in-law a chance! Fourth Sister-in-law apologized to you sincerely!"

   Deliberately? This person can change his face faster than turning the pages of a book, haven't you all seen it? Have you all forgotten how aggressive she was in the prison?

   You haven't seen her beat someone yet!

  Why is this person so vicious? But everyone is blinded by her appearance?

  The concubine took a breath of foul air and got stuck in her throat.

   Xuan Yu didn't say a word, just looked at Ning Yue deeply, wondering what he was thinking.

Ning Yue "pushed" the princess into the carriage. In the eyes of outsiders, the princess was too weak. Leaning on Ning Yue, she almost crushed Ning Yue. In order to support the princess, Ning Yue blushed from exhaustion. . But only the princess knew that she was dragged into the car by Ning Yue!

  As soon as she got into the car, Ning Yue suppressed her smile and threw her to the ground hard!

  She turned pale from the pain, and was about to rush out to find Xuan Yu and the others, but Ning Yue's cold little hands grabbed her neck, as if being grabbed by a skeleton, and her hair stood on end!

  Ning Yue raised her lips coldly, and looked at her with icy eyes: "Do you still want to run away, Guo Yu?"

   "Sister-in-law Si! Let's go!"

   Outside, there was the sound of Qin'er greeting.

  Ning Yue opened a corner of the curtain, showing a pure and moving smile: "Okay, let's see who gets to the palace first."

  Qin'er smiled brightly: "It must be us!"

  Qin'er...Qin'er...Qin'er don't go!

  The concubine cried out in her heart, struggling hard, trying to get rid of Ning Yue's imprisonment. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't exert any strength. She understood that Ning Yue didn't use much force, even a child could push Ning Yue away, but Ning Yue pinched her acupuncture points, and half of her body was numb.

"Third sister-in-law go slowly, third brother and eldest brother go slowly." Ning Yue greeted everyone one by one, and waited for all the carriages of the people to disappear into the night before she smiled and slowly let go of the hand that was holding the princess' throat .

  The concubine suddenly got out of breath, took a few breaths of cool air, and her face flushed with choking: "Cough cough...cough cough cough! cough cough cough..."

  Ning Yue looked at her with great interest, there was no pity in her cold eyes, they were full of indifference.

  The concubine finally regained her strength, bit her lips, glared at Ning Yue fiercely, and said, "Ma Ningyue, I am your mother-in-law! If you treat me like this, you will be struck by lightning!"

   "Lightning strikes? I've died once, would someone be afraid of these things?" Ning Yue sneered.

The concubine didn't take the phrase "the person who gave it away once" to her heart, she just thought that what Ning Yue said was that she almost died of illness this time, she gritted her teeth and said: "Man is doing it, God is watching! Ma Ningyue, no matter what I did wrong What is it, you humiliate me so much, and if it is reported to the government, it will be a crime of beheading!"

  Ning Yue nodded: "Xiliang places great emphasis on filial piety, if the daughter-in-law is rebellious, she can indeed be punished as murder."

  Princess Wang's eyes flashed a glimmer of pride.

  Unexpectedly, Ning Yue said again: "But Guo Yu, do you think I will give you this chance to report to the government?"

  The face of the princess changed: "What do you mean?"

  Ning Yue looked at her with a smile.

  Her complexion turned pale: "You... you want to kill someone to silence you?"

  (end of this chapter)

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