Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 916: cruel princess (6)

  Chapter 916 Violently abuses the princess (6)

  Ning Yue laughed disdainfully, and poured herself a cup of tea: "Do you think everyone is like you? I can kill an innocent girl just to ruin a marriage. I'm not that vicious."

  Princess pursed her lips: "I was sorry for you that time, but I never thought of killing you. I just hope..."

   Speaking of this, she paused, cleared her throat, and looked away.

Ning Yue took a sip of tea, and casually picked up what she hadn't finished saying: "Just what do you want? I hope that I will be crippled and not be able to marry Xuan Yin. In this way, your son doesn't have to marry Ma Ningxi, does he? "

  Wang Hao's eyelashes trembled.

Ning Yue put down the cup heavily, stared at her like a torch and said, "I never provoked you, and you are so cruel that you want me to fall into a disability! Guo Yu, you are such a person, how can I be sincere?" Call you mother-in-law sincerely?"

   "I made it up, didn't I?" The princess's emotions suddenly became agitated, "After passing the door, I treated you so well! Do you think all this is really because of how much I care about Xuanyin?"

   "Ha!" Ning Yue laughed, she has seen shameless ones, but never seen such shameless ones! He obviously went to grandma's house with partiality, and said that he was so kind to her, and that he was making up for her! Is she stupid, or is Guo Yu himself crazy?

She looked at the princess mockingly, "Every time something happens in the mansion, you are always the first to suspect me. I have the right to think that you don't like our fourth wife so you deliberately make things difficult. Only now do I know that you are already very special." Forgive me! If there is no compensatory psychology, will my life in the palace be worse than before?"

  Princess Wang's eyes were cold: "What's wrong with you? You're obviously living a prosperous life!"

   "That's because I worked hard and was not defeated by those villains, but I live well, not because of your tolerance, Guo Yu!"

  The princess was speechless.

   After a long time, the car was suffocatingly quiet, before she asked again: "You grabbed me into the car just to tell me these things?"

   "Of course not!" Ning Yue blew on her nails playfully, "Do I seem to be such a free person? Xiaolou."

   "Miss, what are your orders?"

   "I want to take the princess to meet an old friend."


  Xiaolou tightened the reins and turned the direction of the carriage.

  Princess opened the curtain and took a look: "Ma Ningyue, where are you taking me?"

   "You will know when you go."

   An hour later, the carriage stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse.

   Xiaolou opened the curtain, and Ning Yue pushed the princess out of the carriage.

  The carriage staggered and took a few steps to stabilize itself.

  She turned her head and glared: "Ma Ningyue!"

  Ning Yue glanced at her indifferently: "Put away your high-ranking attitude, in my eyes, what is the daughter of the Guo family, what is the princess of Zhongshan, bullshit!"

   "You..." You knew that this girl was arrogant, but you didn't expect to be so arrogant. Ever since she tore her face, this girl seemed to be a different person, and she no longer had the awe she had before. If it's just because of a falling out, but anyway, she is still the concubine proclaimed by the royal family, a little daughter of the Ma family, but she really doesn't pay attention to her!

  If the princess met an ordinary daughter-in-law, she would naturally be overwhelmed by her identity and status, but it happened to be Ning Yue. Ning Yue has been a queen, let alone a princess, even if the real queen is in front of her, Ning Yue will not have the slightest fear. I respected her in the past because I saw Xuanyin's face, but now even Xuanyin has broken up with her, so why do I have to pretend to be a little white rabbit?

  (end of this chapter)

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