Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 917: cruel queen (7)

  Chapter 917 Violently abused the princess (7)

   The two stopped in front of the warehouse door.

  The shadow guard guarding the gate saluted Ning Yue: "Princess Princess."

   Ignore the princess!

  The concubine was stunned. These people seem to be the shadow guards of the Xuan family, right? To think of her as air? Only recognize Ning Yue?

  Ning Yue nodded slightly: "It's hard work, what about people?"

   "It's inside." The shadow guard replied, "The commander has gone out for something, and asked his subordinates to stand by here. What's your order?"

   "Open the door."

   "Yes!" The shadow guard opened the door of the warehouse.

A strong smell of fishy sweetness, mixed with **** smell came to the nostrils. The princess who had given birth to four children was no stranger to this smell. If this smell belonged to her own man, she would naturally like it in every possible way, but it happened to be from a stranger. The princess frowned in disgust.

  Ning Yue made a gesture, and the shadow guard entered with a torch and lit all the lights in the warehouse.

  The dancing firelight was reflected in the mirror, and under the reflection of the firelight, a man convulsed by torture was lying on the ground in pain, unable to move.

  The princess only took one look, then covered her mouth and turned her back.

  Ning Yue clasped her shoulders, forcibly turned her around, and made her look at the man opposite.

  Princess closed her eyes tightly, not looking!

  Ning Yue smiled bewitchingly in her ear: "Don't you want to see it? Well, I cut off your eyelids, why don't you look at it?"

  The concubine grew up in Guo's family since she was a child, and became the daughter-in-law of the Xuan family directly after she was born. She has lived smoothly for half her life, relying on her superior status, and once this status loses its effectiveness, she is no different from ordinary people.

  She opened her eyes in fright, and held back the chill in her heart to look at the man.

  Ning Yue smiled faintly: "Do you recognize him? Guo Yu."

  Princess shook her head.

   "Go and turn him over!"

  Ning Yue gave an order, and the shadow guard stepped forward and kicked Suhuo over.

  When the blood moon on Suhuo's forehead came into Wang Hao's eyes, Wang Hao couldn't control it anymore and screamed!

  Because of being so shocked, she even forgot to ask how Ning Yue caught Suhuo.

  Ning Yue patted her on the shoulder amusedly: "Are you scared, Concubine Mu?"

  She called her mother concubine again, but instead of feeling relieved, the princess was so cold that her legs trembled.

   "You, what did you do to him?" She gritted her teeth, suppressing the trembling of her body.

   Ning Yue said: "What does my concubine think I did to him?"

  The concubine's heart trembled wildly: " find someone to put" She was ashamed to say those words! "You are simply too vicious and shameless! You are a lady! How can you use such a dirty method?"

   "Dirty?" Ning Yue smiled softly, "Why don't you ask me why I did this to him?"

   "Why...what?" the princess asked with difficulty.

Ning Yue stretched out her pale fingers and pointed at Suhuo: "Because he made people humiliate my elder brother, just like I humiliated him. Luckily, Rong Lin arrived in time. But what if Rong Lin is a step late? ? My elder brother is almost the same as he is now. Every time I think of this, my heart feels like a needle prick! How can I not hate you?"

  Princess Wang opened her mouth to say something, but her throat was choked.

Ning Yue looked at her face sideways, and said softly: "Are you trying to say that you didn't expect Suhuo to treat my elder brother like this? Do you think my elder brother will enter Dali Temple safely? Guo Yu, ignorance has never It's not a crime, I don't hate stupid people. Qin'er is much dumber than you, but I like her a lot. Why? Because she's kind. Don't say 'I didn't expect this to happen' every time something happens , My starting point is just thinking about something', making it seem like you are showing mercy, we shouldn't blame you! It's okay to be stupid, but you are still so bad, Guo Yu, do you know that you are really disgusting?"

  (end of this chapter)

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