Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 919: cruel queen (9)

  Chapter 919 Cruel abuse of the princess (9)

  Ning Yue listened to those desperate roars, as if she heard the most beautiful movement, her whole mood was so happy that she was about to float.

  She smiled and walked to the carriage.

  Xiaolou has been standing by the carriage, and as soon as he looked up, he saw his young lady walking towards her with light steps and a smile on her face. The night wind blows her plain white hairband, and it rises in the air, and the skirt gathers and disperses like lotus mist. When the moonlight shines on her, she is as beautiful as an elf.

  The small building did not mix any profanity, but only looked at its own lady with admiration, and opened the curtain for her.

   "You will die! You will be condemned by God! Ma Ningyue! Ma Ningyue—"

  Over there, the mad concubine's cries were faintly heard.

  Xiaolou frowned in disgust, framed his young master, and even cursed the young lady, I really don't know what to say! Deserves to be locked up! Close it!

  Ning Yue sat in the carriage in a good mood.

  Xiaolou asked: "Miss, where are we going now?"

   "Wangfu." Ning Yue said briskly.

  Xiaolou paused: "Although the servant thinks that the princess deserves what she deserves, she came out with you after all. If you go back alone, she will be gone...isn't it wrong?"

   "Of course not." Ning Yue opened the secret compartment and took out a small box, "But I went back without saying anything."

  Xiaolou froze for a moment.

Ning Yue opened the small box, took out makeup tools, painted herself black and blue, pulled out a dagger, stabbed the cloak in two, pulled out the hairpin, and rubbed her hair in a bun vigorously, kneading it into a chicken coop Then, under Xiaolou's dumbfounded gaze, he lay down on the floor of the carriage: "We met an assassin on the way, the princess was taken away, and I was knocked out."

   The corner of Xiaolou's mouth twitched.

   Later, in order to cooperate with Ning Yue, he also tore up his coat, wiped some dust on his face, and rode back to the palace.

  But said that after King Zhongshan returned to the mansion, he carried the sleeping Xuan Xiaoying back to the room, and then went to the study.

  There, Xuanyin has been waiting for a long time.

   "Father." Xuanyin saluted.

   King Zhongshan replied with a heavy voice, his face was very ugly. Although the emperor released them, he put them under house arrest and suspended their official positions, even Xuanyin was not spared. This is a big taboo of changing generals at the critical moment of the two countries' war. The emperor didn't understand this truth, but he still did it. What does it mean? It shows that the case of collaborating with the enemy and treason offended the emperor.

  Honestly speaking, he was wronged too.

  He didn't even know who Rong Qing was, so he somehow colluded with him, colluded with people from southern Xinjiang!

   "Is Rong Qing okay?"

   "I suffered some torture, but my life is safe."

   King Zhongshan nodded and asked again: "Have you moved out?"

   "I'll discuss this matter with my father later, let's solve the case first." Xuanyin changed the topic.

  The case is indeed a top priority. If no evidence can be found, the suspicion of traitors cannot be cleared. The king of Zhongshan asked in a deep voice: "Have you found out who told the emperor the secret?" !

  Xuanyin didn't check, no need to check, who else could there be except his imperial concubine and aunt?

   "It's my aunt," he said.

   "Her? How did she know about Rong Qing?" King Zhongshan looked at his youngest son suspiciously, "Which of your brothers told her the truth?"

   "No, Rong Qing's identity is hidden from our father and king, so of course we won't tell an outsider." Xuanyin said seriously.

   "Then where did she get the news? Did she collude with people from southern Xinjiang?"

   "You still don't understand your aunt's temperament? Honestly."

   "That's true." If he hadn't been so honest, he wouldn't have been around for so many years without having a son. Being able to sit on the position of imperial concubine is all due to the glory of the Xuan family. But if she didn't collude with people from southern Xinjiang, how would she know about Rong Qing? King Zhongshan was puzzled.

Xuan Yin glanced at King Zhongshan, and said calmly: "The people in southern Xinjiang actually don't know that Rong Qing is the eldest brother of Yueyue, only a few of them learned of Rong Qing's life experience on the way to kill Rong Qing. "

   King Zhongshan frowned: "Who has been chasing and killing Rong Qing?"

   "Su Huo."

   "He is from Southern Xinjiang?" How could Guo Yu know the whereabouts of the Southern Xinjiang people?

   King Zhongshan's fire blazed up: "Where's Guo Yu? Where is Guo Yu? Call her to my king!"

   Biqing stumbled in and ran in: "My lord! My lord is not well—"

  (end of this chapter)

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