Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 920: Wang Ye knows the truth (2)

  Chapter 920 The Lord Knows the Truth (2)

   Xuanyin said: "Yes."

   King Zhongshan shook his hand and said, "Hurry up and find it!"

  Guo Yu is his concubine and his wife, those people dare to hit Guo Yu's head with their ideas, it's like hitting him in the face!

   After Xuan Yin responded, he led his men to search for the whereabouts of the people from Southern Xinjiang and the princess.

   King Zhongshan was afraid that he alone would not be strong enough, so he called Xuan Yu and Xuan Zhao over.

  When the two brothers heard that their mother had been robbed, they were all furious. They brought together the most elite men and searched frantically in the capital!

In the dimly lit warehouse, Su Huo was still lying half dead on the ground, his whole body was naked and in a large font shape. His skin was no longer young and had some age spots. Due to years of martial arts practice, there were not many creases. , with muscular and well-defined lines, looks younger than his actual age.

   But no matter how young he is, he is also a foreigner.

  The concubine did not have the hobby of appreciating other people's nakedness, so she took off her cloak to cover him, not wanting to be stained with her eyes by him again.

  The previous yelling made my throat hoarse, and my throat was burning with pain. When I uttered a sound, even I was frightened.

   What's horrible is that she is in such a miserable situation, but Ma Ningyue and those guys act like nothing happened, completely ignoring her life and death.

  She was sitting in a place full of that smell, nauseating and retching in her stomach.

  I couldn't see the night or the hourglass, so I just sat on the ground, not knowing how much time passed.

  At first, she really felt that Ma Ningyue locked her here on purpose to listen to her screams, but gradually, the surrounding became more and more quiet until there was no sound.

  She began to suspect again that Ma Ningyue had already left.

   Damn stuff!

   Actually left her and walked away!

  She is a majestic princess, how can she be alone in a room with an old man without clothes? It's so disgusting that if you don't say it yourself, if it spreads, her reputation will be completely ruined!

  Ma Ningyue came up with this idea, right?

   No, she can't sit still, if Ma Ningyue really brings someone here, or someone passing by inadvertently breaks in, she can't clean up even if she jumps into the Yellow River!

   Ma Ningyue didn't let her go out, so she went out by herself!

  She didn't believe that, after living half of her life, she couldn't help but break a door!

   Thoughts flashed through her, she walked to the door and carefully checked the condition of the door. It was two closed doors that were locked from the outside. If she wanted to go out, she had to either unlock the lock or dig it out.

  She doesn't have a key, so she must be unable to open the lock.

   Then unlock it!

   Searched around in the warehouse, and finally found a dagger in Suhuo's pile of rotten clothes.

  The dagger is very sharp, poking a hole in the wood, but no matter how sharp the knife is, it needs very strong arm and wrist strength to dig a big hole in the door.

  She dug very hard.

  At this time, she suddenly regretted not listening to her elder brother and mother and exercising more.

  She dug for half an hour, and her arm was almost broken. Finally, she dug out a big circle and took it off. She let out a long sigh of relief! However, it didn't take long for her to realize that she was happy too early!

   Outside this door, there is another wooden door!

  When Mingming just came in, the other party opened the door once! Now, how come there are two fans?

  Damn Ma Ningyue!

  It must be her, she expected that she would dig the door to escape, so someone added one on purpose!

   While becoming angry, he picked up the dagger and started the second round of "digging" with his swollen hands.

  (end of this chapter)

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