Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 921: Wang Ye knows the truth (3)

  Chapter 921 The Lord Knows the Truth (3)

   On this side, she was sweating profusely, on the other side, brothers Xuan Yu and Xuan Zhao were anxious to find her.

  The two brothers divided their troops into two groups, heading east and west respectively, while Xuanyin and King Zhongshan were in charge of the north and south ends. The two brothers searched and searched, streets, inns, shops, residential areas, all the places where there were people, until they met at Caishikou, they did not find the shadow of the princess.

  Xuan Zhao was in a state of anxiety: "Brother! Where did the concubine go?"

  A woman was hijacked by gangsters in the middle of the night, and she didn't know if she would encounter any accidents.

"Damn it! If I catch those people from southern Xinjiang, I'll have to skin them and constrict their tendons!" He gritted his teeth and shouted angrily. Thinking about something, he couldn't help asking, "Brother! What's wrong with you? You should say something! Is the concubine mother in danger? Why did those people arrest the concubine mother?"

   "Temporarily...don't know." Xuan Yu stared and said.

  Cold sweat broke out on Xuanzhao's forehead: "What is unclear? Do you think they will hurt the concubine mother?"

   Xuan Yu didn't speak.

Xuan Zhao scratched his head, and suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind: "Ah! Brother! Do you remember that in the prison in the morning, Yue'er came to look for Concubine Mu? She asked Concubine Mu about the whereabouts of a man named Huo, It seems to be to find her elder brother! Assuming it was that fire who arrested her elder brother, could it be that he also arrested the concubine mother?"

   Xuan Yu's eyes darkened.

"But it's very strange. That Huo should be from Nanjiang, right? Why would the concubine know his whereabouts?" Xuan Zhao hadn't discerned the concubine's betrayal from the obvious facts at this moment. In his heart, the concubine had always She is a gentle and kind woman, although most of the time she is quite indifferent, but she is very kind to their brothers and sisters, and loves their father and king very much, she will never do anything wrong to Zhongshan Palace.

  Xuan Zhao sighed: "Forget it, brother, let's search again to see if we missed something! If we still can't find it, go and meet up with Father Wang and Xiao Yin to see if they have any new discoveries."

   "What did you say?" Xuan Yu asked suddenly, the white clothes were rolled up by the night wind, and amidst the hustle and bustle of traffic, the beauty was like a cloud of light, unreal.

  Xuan Zhao opened his mouth: "I said let's look for it again."

"That's not it."

   "Uh...I can't find the painting, let's go and see if Xiaoyin and the father find anything new?" It seems to be like that just now, but I don't remember the specific words.

   Xuan Yu tightened the reins, turned around, and ran towards the other side of the street.

  Xuan Zhao didn’t know, so he looked at his back and shouted: “Brother! Brother, you’re going in the wrong direction! That’s not the place we’re looking for! That’s the General’s Mansion! Why are you going to the General’s Mansion?”

  Maybe I want to ask Rong Qing, what do those people from southern Xinjiang look like?

   Also, Rong Qing was taken away for a few hours, Rong Lin rescued him, only the two of them had seen what that group of people looked like, if they got the portraits of that group, it would be easier to investigate.

   Aha! Still big brother is smart!

  General’s Mansion, Tangliyuan

  Ning Yue was laying on Rong Qing's lap, being slapped hard by Rong Qing!

   "Ah—Brother! It hurts so much!"

   "Ah—it hurts—"

   "Stop hitting!"


   "Rong Lin, save Aunt—"

  Rong Lin spread his hands and looked at her helplessly. It wasn't that he didn't save her, but—

  His gaze swept across the hot and explosive pornographic painting on the ground, coughed lightly, and turned his face away.

  (end of this chapter)

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