Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 923: Wang Ye knows the truth (5)

  Chapter 923 The Lord Knows the Truth (5)

   "Xuanyin." She smiled and pushed open the door.

  According to King Zhongshan's allocation, Xuanyin should look for the princess in the south, but the princess was already in their hands, so Xuanyin slipped back to Ma's house to take a break.

   Called, did not hear a response, thought Xuan Yin was not there, opened the curtain and entered the inner room, only to find Xuan Yin sitting on the bedside, holding a scroll in his hand.

   Needless to say, it is another **** picture of Suhuo.

  Xuan Yin didn't get angry, the corners of his lips were slightly curved, his eyes were smiling, his smile was evil, but it also exuded a hint of danger.

   "Pornography, huh?"

  The tone of the "hmm" made many twists and turns, making Ning Yue's scalp tingle. Ning Yue found that, compared to being furious, his half-monster, half-charming posture was the most intimidating. Like a venomous snake entangled in the grass, spitting out its snake core, it will rush up at some time and swallow its prey in one gulp.

  Ning Yue smiled brilliantly: "Who made him hate him so much? He's blaming you and bullying my elder brother."

   "Oh, the other half is for me." Xuan Yin raised his eyebrows and said with a strange expression.

  Ning Yue kicked off her shoes, climbed onto his lap, hugged his neck and said, "Of course, I like you so much, whoever bullies you will have trouble with me!"

   Xuanyin caressed her delicate lips with his thumb: "I'm good at shameless kung fu recently."

   "Blue comes from blue and is better than blue!" Ning Yue smiled.

  The courage is really getting bigger and bigger. It was fine to tease him in front of his father before, but now he scolds him shamelessly. If he doesn't deal with her, I'm sorry for her progress!

  Unexpectedly, before he could make a move, Ning Yue had already turned around and untied his belt.

  He frowned thickly: "What are you doing?"

   "Wash your eyes."

   Xuanyin: "..."

   "They are so ugly, I have a psychological shadow, show me quickly, Xuan Yin, I want to see." She hurriedly tore off his belt.

   Xuanyin: "..."

   "Xuan Yin, you are so pretty." Her eyes glowed green.

  Xuanyin opened his mouth, and lay on the bed speechless, while Ren Ningyue poked and touched him here and there. I know that she is bold, and I also know that she has never been as reserved as other women in this regard. She will say what she wants, and she will tell him how to make it more comfortable, but... so, so naughty, it still makes his face slightly Red a bit.

   "Have you seen enough?" He cleared his throat and asked. It was agreed to deal with her, but why did it seem like she was taking advantage of her?

   "Not enough, Xuan Yin, I can't see enough." Ning Yue looked at his perfect lines and strong texture, and touched them with her small hands.

   Xuanyin frowned secretly, this style of painting is wrong! It should be him who picked her up, so that he can watch her—

   "Xuanyin." She lowered her head and kissed his lips, "I want it, give it to me."

   "Now?" Now they are still looking for the princess, the father, eldest brother, and third brother are all smoking. Although he sneaked back, he will join them in a while.

   Lips close together, Ning Yue sucked in his breath greedily: "Right now, don't you want it?"

  Of course I want to, thinking like crazy.

  Since she was ill, they haven't had **** until today.

  He couldn't hold it any longer, he just took care of her body and kept pressing down desperately. Now if she took the initiative, he would be defeated. He hugged her tightly, put his big palm into her cloud clothes, and kissed her lingeringly.

   "Miss! Uncle!" Listening to the panting sound inside, Dongmei cursed herself for picking a wrong time again, but there was no other way, they were forced to enter the door.

  (end of this chapter)

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