Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 924: Wang Ye knows the truth (6)

  Chapter 924 The Lord Knows the Truth (6)

  The two were kissing vigorously when they suddenly heard Dongmei's voice and frowned at the same time, but before Xuan Yin could speak, Ning Yue spoke first: "What's the matter, we'll talk about it tomorrow!"


   Is this the lady's voice?

   Dongmei was stunned.

  Ning Yue took off Xuanyin's clothes, and sat down slowly.


  It hurts!

  Xuan Yin held her waist, forbearance until a layer of sweat broke out on his forehead, kissed her brows which were frowning because of the pain, and said funnyly, "I'll make you anxious."

   "Miss." Dongmei called out again.

   "What's the matter?" Ning Yue held back her impatience and asked.

   "My son seeks to see you."

   Xuan Yu?

  What did he come to Ma's house for?

  Shouldn't he be looking for the princess in Xitou?

  Ning Yue and Xuan Yin looked at each other, and they both saw deep confusion in each other's eyes. Ning Yue stared with desire and dissatisfaction, dressed neatly, and met Xuan Yu in the flower hall.

  Perhaps the tide of emotion has not yet faded, and there is still a crimson color on her face, which is as gorgeous as a peach or plum.

   Xuan Yu's eyes tightened.

  Ning Yue asked calmly: "I'm really sorry, I just woke up after being in a coma for too long, and I kept my elder brother waiting for a long time. Is mother and concubine okay? Did you find it?"

  Xuan Yu's eyes fell on her blushing cheeks, and said: "Your injury doesn't seem to be a serious problem."

  The wound was washed off just after returning home.

  Ning Yue touched her face in a calm manner, and said softly: "It's not easy to come out to see you with that appearance, and put on some powder and rouge."

   "Really?" Xuan Yu murmured, and then asked, "Is Xiao Yin here?"

Ning Yue glanced at him, and said slowly: "Xuan Yin was looking for his concubine mother outside, but he didn't come to my side. But when the elder brother asked this question, he seemed to suspect that Xuan Yin didn't try his best to find his concubine mother, but ran away. Are you lazy at home?"

   Xuan Yu said: "That's not what I meant."

Ning Yue laughed mockingly: "What does the elder brother mean? My concubine was robbed, and I was also injured. Xuanyin was so anxious to find the murderer that he didn't even eat dinner. The eldest brother is fine, suspect him If you don’t do your best, you suspect that he is staying with me! Brother! Even if you think Xuanyin is not a very filial child, don’t deny his feelings for me! Even if it’s just to avenge me, he will do his best to take that Find out with the people from southern Xinjiang!"

  Seeing the end, her expression became extremely solemn.

  Xuan Yu stared at her for a long while, without any dodge in her eyes, Xuan Yu withdrew her gaze, stood up and said, "I'm being abrupt, take my leave."

   "Brother." The moment he turned around, Ning Yue stopped him, "If you suspect that the disappearance of the concubine is related to me, you can tell the prince. I will clear myself, and there is nothing to be afraid of!"

   Xuan Yu didn't speak.

   After a while, he asked, "What does Suhuo... have to do with this matter? You ran to the cell and asked your mother and concubine where Suhuo was, and if you couldn't find Suhuo, you couldn't find your elder brother."

"What does it matter if the son didn't guess it? The moment I asked his name, the son was ready to interrupt me! That's right, my elder brother was taken away by the concubine and Suhuo! I was very angry at the time, and I was really right. She tried to kill her. But I didn't do it in the end, because I knew that she was being used by others. If I killed her, I would be tricked by the enemy. So not only can I not kill her, but I have to work hard to get along with her Relationship, never let loved ones hurt enemies! It’s just that I decided to reconcile with her, and she was taken away again.”

  Speaking of this, she sighed faintly, "I'm sorry about the mother concubine, I failed to protect her well. If the eldest brother wants to blame me, I will bear it willingly."

  (end of this chapter)

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