Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 926: Wang Ye knows the truth (8)

  Chapter 926 The Lord Knows the Truth (8)

  Everyone was stunned.

   King Zhongshan's face turned black into charcoal: "Guo Yu!"

   With a stern shout, the princess suddenly opened her eyes, and then she saw her husband and a group of young shadow guards from the Xuan family staring straight at her... looking at her! No, to be precise, it was looking at Suhuo beside her!

  Her face flushed all of a sudden: "My lord! listen to my explanation!"

  If Zhongshan Wang was the only one who discovered it, he might be able to listen to her patiently, but in front of so many subordinates, this green hat really made him twitch!

   "I've been looking for you all night, but you turned out to be having fun here with someone else?"

  Every word seems to be bitten out of the teeth.

Blood was bubbling from the princess's feet, and there were bloodstains all over the ground, but King Zhongshan didn't have the time to care about those. He was so ashamed by his wife's betrayal, and even regretted that he wasted most of the night looking for her, worrying about her accident .

   "My lord! I didn't! Nothing happened to him!" the princess said anxiously.

   King Zhongshan is not a baby, nothing happened, that man will be naked? Nothing happened and there was a sensuality in the air?

  At this time, Xuan Yu and Ning Yue also arrived.

  The first thing Xuan Yu saw was Wang Hao's foot injury, he got off his horse and ran over to stop the bleeding for her, but was stopped by King Zhongshan: "Come back!"

When Ning Yue got out of the carriage, her eyes swept over the unconscious man, the embarrassed princess, the angry Zhongshan King, and a group of embarrassing shadow guards who either left or stayed, and curled their lips. valve.

   With so many people, it was even more exciting than she imagined.

  Collecting her thoughts, she walked over "weakly", stood beside King Zhongshan's horse, and asked dully, "Father, what...what's going on?"

   King Zhongshan looked down at her, this time he was able to get out of the prison, thanks to Xuan Yin and his wife, his tone was unavoidably gentler than usual: "Why are you here?"

   Ning Yue said: "Brother asked me to rest at home, but I was worried about my mother and concubine, so Brother Yang took me out to look for it together. Father, mother and concubine seem to be injured, did those robbers do it?"

   It doesn't matter who did it, King Zhongshan doesn't care anymore.

   "Huh? Father, there seems to be a...ah—" she screamed, covered her face, and turned her back.

   King Zhongshan frowned, looked at the man in disgust, and said to a shadow guard: "Take care of it, and see if you die."

   "Yes!" The shadow guard got off his horse, took off his cloak, covered the man's body, and probed his breath with his fingers, "My lord, you're still alive!"

  Zhongshan Wang said coldly: "Wake him up!"

   "Yes!" The shadow guard went outside to fetch water.

   Xuan Yu's eyes swept away, and when he saw the man on the ground, his complexion changed!

The princess limped to the prince's horse, grabbed the saddle, raised her head and said, "My lord, after listening to the explanation, I really didn't do anything wrong to you! I am innocent! I... Caught here! They locked me up for a long time, and I ran out by sawing off the lock myself! I ran out, fell into the trap again, and hurt my foot..."

   "Hmph." King Zhongshan looked at her indifferently, "Gate? Guo Yu, are you dreaming?"

  The princess looked back, and saw that the door that had been sawed into two big holes by herself had disappeared at some point!

OMG! How could this be?

   She didn't care about the pain in her feet, and ran over there to look left and right, but there was really no sign of the door!

  (end of this chapter)

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