Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 927: Wang Ye knows the truth (9)

  Chapter 927 The Lord Knows the Truth (9)

  But she obviously... obviously saw for so long!

  Ning Yue stepped forward and said to her back: "Concubine Mu, have you been drugged and hallucinated? This warehouse was abolished several years ago. How could there be doors? Two more?"

  Hearing the familiar voice, the princess turned around abruptly!

  Glaring at Ning Yue viciously, a rush of blood rushed to the top of her head, she grabbed Ning Yue's neck: "It's you! It must be you! You framed me! You took down the door when you fell into the trap!"

  Ning Yue's face turned purple after being pinched: "Concubine Mu, I don't... You hurt me... Concubine Mu..."

  Princess's spirit was on the verge of collapse. She grabbed Ning Yue tightly and roared, "Do you know it hurts too? Why didn't you ask me if it hurt when you strangled my neck before?"

   "Concubine Mu, what are you talking about? I... I can't understand... When did I pinch you? Cough cough... Concubine Mu..." Ning Yue was about to have difficulty breathing.

   "Guo Yu! Enough!" King Zhongshan pushed the princess away.

  The princess took a few steps back and fell into Xuan Yu's arms.

   Xuan Yu hugged her tightly: "Concubine Mu, are you alright?"

"I'm about to be killed by this bastard! How can I be all right?" The princess cried and growled, "It's her! She's the one who brought me here! She pinched me! Throw me to the ground! Said to give her Brother revenge! She made Suhuo so inhuman..."

   "Suhuo? Is this man Suhuo?" King Zhongshan immediately got off his horse and walked towards the naked man.

   Xuan Yu also walked over, took a closer look, and shook his head: "It's not Suhuo. Yue'er said that Suhuo has a blood moon tattoo on his head, but this person doesn't have it."

  Ning Yue came over, finished watching, nodded and said: "Yes, it's not Suhuo. I heard from my elder brother that Suhuo is in his fifties or sixties, but this man is only under thirty?"

The princess's complexion suddenly changed, and regardless of her foot injury, she ran to the side of the crowd, looked at the young strange man, and her heart beat violently: "Impossible...Impossible...It's obviously Suhuo! I'm locked up with Suhuo! Ma Ningyue locked me up with Suhuo..."

How could this be?

Ning Yue said with "concern": "Concubine Mu, have you really been drugged? So many unreal memories appear, but they are all your hallucinations. I didn't pinch you, and I didn't find anyone to harm you." Suhuo, I've never seen him before, and there's no door to this storehouse either."

   "Impossible! Impossible! I was not drugged! It was you who pinched me!" The princess was so angry that she completely lost her mind.

   Ning Yue's eyes were red with grievance: "Concubine Mu, I know you have opinions on me and Xuan Yin, but I really didn't hurt you, I have no reason!"

   "You pretend! Give me back the pretend!"

   "I didn't, mother concubine! I really didn't harm you, you were drugged by those robbers, your memory is confused..."

"The robber is you!" The princess broke down completely, "You arrested me! You want to avenge your elder brother! You blame me for colluding with Suhuo and causing your elder brother to be humiliated! You said to me yourself, 'Because he made people humiliate me Big brother, like I humiliated him, luckily, Rong Lin arrived in time. But what if Rong Lin is a step late? My big brother is almost the same as him now. Every time I think of this, my heart shudders It’s as painful as piercing! How can you not hate me?’ Do you dare to say that these are not your original words?”

   Xuan Yu's expression changed, it was too late to stop the princess.

   King Zhongshan looked at his wife in disbelief: "You colluded with Suhuo? You colluded with Suhuo?!"

  The concubine's heart was shocked, and only then did she realize what she had said in a fit of anger!

   "My lord! I..."

   "The imperial concubine, you are the one who told the secret, right?"

   "My lord..."

   "The token of the Xuan family was also given to Suhuo, right?" King Zhongshan was trembling with anger, his whole family was imprisoned, charged with collaborating with the enemy and treason, and the culprit turned out to be his wife who had been kind to him for many years!

  This crime is not unjust, the Xuan family has indeed colluded with the people of southern Xinjiang.

   "Guo Yu, you really want to kill the whole family!"

  Princess Wang's bowels are turning green, was she crazy just now? What did you say? Why didn't you call yourself up and tell the story of Su Huo?

   "My lord, I didn't do it on purpose... I didn't want to harm you... I didn't want to harm the Xuan family... I... I just wanted to—"

   Xuan Yu patted her, and she stopped suddenly.

  Ning Yue would not give her a chance to back down. After making so many arrangements, she couldn't be crushed at the door.

  Ning Yue looked at her injured: "You just want to hurt my elder brother, don't you? Concubine Mu, why did my elder brother provoke you? Why do you hate him so much? In order to get rid of him, you will not hesitate to collude with people from southern Xinjiang!"

   "Ma Ningyue—" The princess is going crazy, how can this woman pretend so well? "How many times do I have to explain it to you? I never thought of getting rid of him! I just want you to shut up! I'm also a victim! I was used by Suhuo!"

   "Tell Ning Yue to shut up?" King Zhongshan looked at the princess, "Shut up for what?"

  (end of this chapter)

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