Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 934: A letter of divorce (7)

  Chapter 934 A letter of divorce (7)

The doorkeeper woman was slapped, her face was burning with pain, she stared at her stubbornly and said: "This is the order of the prince, this servant just carries it out! Even if the princess beats the servant to death here today, the servant will not let you in! "

   "Diao Nu! You Diao Nu!" The princess pushed her away fiercely!

  The lady guarding the door took two steps back, and soon rushed up again, blocking the princess from the door: "Princess, I advise you to go back quickly. If you force your way in again, don't blame the servants for being rude!"

   "" The princess was so angry that she lost her voice.

  Biqing tugged on the princess's sleeve: "Forget about the princess, let's go to Zhihuiyuan first, and find a way to find the prince."

  Xuan Yu herself is half dead, how can I help her?

  The concubine looked at the doorkeeper woman coldly, almost bit her silver teeth and said, "My concubine wants to see my daughter, get out!"

  The doorkeeper woman does not move.

  The concubine rushed in, but was grabbed by the gatekeeper's wrist.

  The gatekeeper woman said: "I'm sorry, Wangfei, the prince has issued a death order for the servants, if you let you get in, our lives will be lost."

   As she spoke, she joined forces with another woman beside her to throw the princess to the ground.

  The princess fell into the puddle, and the mud reached her head.

  She opened her mouth in disbelief.

  It's not enough that the son is injured, even the daughter is not allowed to see her?

   "Sakura—Are you there, Sakura? Can you hear my concubine talking? Sakura—"

  She knelt in the puddle, screaming desperately.

  Xuan Xiaoying ran out limping, still wearing thin pajamas, obviously just woke up from the bed.

   "Mother Concubine—"

  She saw the princess and wanted to run over, but was hugged by the nanny.

   "Let go of me! I want my concubine——"

  She cried sadly.

  Nurse took her back to the house by force.

"Let go of her! Let her go, did you hear? You hurt her!" The princess roared and rushed over there, but no matter how she rushed, she couldn't break free from the gatekeeper's shackles. She cried hoarsely, " She'll cry...she won't be able to see bastards! Let me see her-"

  In the room, Xuan Xiaoying's cries could be heard, every sound was like a sharp knife, gouging out a piece of flesh and blood in her heart.

   This is the daughter she waited for three years to finally be reunited!

   This is the daughter who was pushed down the steps and crippled one leg!

   She is still so young and needs her care so much, but now, she can't even see her daughter!

  Xuan Xiaoying's cry pierced her like a knife.

She resisted the pain like a broken leg bone, ran to the study, slammed the door and said: "My lord! My lord, please let me meet Xiaoying! I knew I was wrong! I really knew I was wrong! I shouldn't be jealous Lan Zhen! I shouldn't always speak ill of Lan Zhen! I shouldn't always be disgusted with Xiaoyin and Ning Yue! I shouldn't have colluded with Suhuo to frame Rong Qing! I shouldn't have helped Yu'er hide it from you...I was wrong...all of them I was wrong...You can punish me however you want, please, let me see Sakura—she cried...crying to the point where my heart is broken...My lord! My lord—"

  Zhongshan Wang...No response!

  The princess's mind was filled with the crying of her daughter, which made her almost go crazy: "My lord—my lord, you open the door, my lord—"

   King Zhongshan always knows how to pinpoint a person's weakness, just as he knows how to use Xuan Yin to anger Lan Zhen, he also knows how to use Xuan Xiao Ying to punish Guo Yu.

  The princess was so hoarse from crying.

  Bi Qing said with red eyes: "Princess, don't cry, go back, wait for the prince to die..."

  (end of this chapter)

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