Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 935: A letter of divorce (8)

  Chapter 935 A letter of divorce (8)

"Go back? I can't even enter the Wenfangyuan, where can I go back?" She thought that the prince knew the truth was her despair, but time and time again, that man could always give her deeper despair, "No, I You must see Sakura!"

  She got up and ran towards Qingling Pavilion.

  Sun Yao still doesn't know how many soul-stirring things happened that night. After returning home, Xuan Zhao went directly to Zhihui Courtyard to take care of Xuan Yu. She didn't settle down in Qingling Pavilion, she was sleeping.

  Poetry and painting reported that the princess is here.

  Sun Yao immediately put on her clothes and went to the door to meet the princess. However, when she saw the person who seemed to be rolling in the mud, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

   "Mother... mother concubine?"

The princess also understood how embarrassed she was, but she couldn't care less, she even held Sun Yao's hand with her filthy hands: "Yao'er, go help me persuade the lord! Tell him to give me Xiaoying." !"

   "Ah?" Sun Yao blinked, and looked at Biqing who was beside her in confusion, "Sister Biqing, what happened?"

   Biqing shook her head in embarrassment.

  Princess Concubine's hands were as cold as ice, Sun Yao didn't think she was dirty, instead she held her hand and said, "Come in and talk about anything! Poetry and painting, find a set of dry clothes and come out! Let someone make some **** soup!"


  Princess shook her head with tears in her eyes: "I don't want those! I just want Sakura! Go and talk to your father! I want to see Sakura!"

  Bi Qing stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Princess, the road is very slippery under such heavy rain, let's do it tomorrow."

  The princess bowed her head, crying badly.

  Seeing her crying so sadly, Sun Yao also felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She has been in such a long time, and she has never seen her in such a mess.

  Sun Yao wiped her face with a handkerchief: "Concubine Mother, did the king not let you see your sister? What happened?"

  Princess sobbed: "I had some misunderstandings with him...he didn't let me enter Wenfangyuan... Xiaoying cried very hard, I was so worried about her!"

  Sun Yao thought for a while: "How about... I can help you visit your sister?"

   She dared not intercede for the princess. The prince was angry, and she tried to persuade him, but the more she persuaded, the worse it would be, and the princess would be harmed instead.

  Princess nodded: "Okay! Please help me see Sakura! Tell her, I will go to see her tomorrow! Let her sleep well!"


   "Also! Tell the wet nurse that if you dare to treat Sakura like that again, I will drag her out and sell her!" Thinking of the wet nurse forcibly carrying her daughter back to the house, she was furious for a while, with such heavy force, she must have hurt her daughter.

  Sun Yao went back to the house and put on her coir raincoat.

  Shi Hua followed in, and whispered: "Don't go, it's raining so much, in case something unexpected happens..."

   "Sigh." Sun Yao sighed, looked at the anxious princess from the crack of the door, and said, "She is so anxious, I can't bear it."

"You, you're just too soft-hearted. If it's the fourth grandma, who cares about her?" Shi Hua used to respect the princess quite a lot, but the princess actually angered the fourth master and the fourth grandma out of the house. If she doesn't go down, it shows how bad she is.

  Sun Yao shook her head and went with an umbrella.

  The road was very slippery, Sun Yao walked extra cautiously, but fortunately she successfully arrived at Wenfangyuan, appeased Xuan Xiaoying, explained a few words with the nanny, and returned to Qingling Pavilion with Shihua.

   Unexpectedly, on the way, the rain suddenly surged, and the rain poured down, hitting the umbrella like beans.

  The lantern was blown out.

  The world is dark.

  The baby in my belly kicked.

  Sun Yao's body trembled, her feet slipped, and she fell to the ground.

  (end of this chapter)

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