Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 936: A letter of divorce (9)

  Chapter 936 A letter of divorce (9)

   There was a cramping pain in my stomach, and something hot flowed out from below...

  Ning Yue braved the heavy rain to rush to the palace.

  She received the news that Sun Yao fell down and had a threatened miscarriage. She was so frightened that she didn't even wash her hair, and got into the carriage with her hair full of bubbles.

  When she arrived at Qingling Pavilion, Dr. Lu was in the room giving first aid to Sun Yao.

  On the way here, she had already learned about the incident from Shihua, that is, the prince got angry and forbade the princess to see Xuan Xiaoying, and the princess found Sun Yao in a hurry, and wanted to ask Sun Yao to come forward to persuade her to make peace. Sun Yao didn't dare to persuade the prince, so she visited Xuan Xiaoying instead, but she fell halfway.

Ning Yue's lungs were about to explode, and she grabbed the princess by the collar: "Guo Yu, are you a fool? In such heavy rain, you actually asked a pregnant woman to run errands for you at night? What's wrong with the child crying? What can be wrong with crying? Which child didn't grow up crying?"

   "I..." The princess also regretted it. She was too worried about Sakura at the time, so she lost her mind, "I didn't expect..."

  Ning Yue interrupted her mercilessly: "I didn't expect it again! Can you stop using your words to disgust me? Why do you ask Sun Yao to wipe your **** for your own sins?"

The prince also got the news, came from the study, looked at Ning Yue whose hair was all wet, and then at the haggard princess who had changed into dry clothes, a monstrous flame rose from the bottom of his heart: "Guo Yu You can’t do it any day without being a demon! You put the whole family in prison in the morning, and you made Sun Yao fall down in the evening! get out! Get out of the way! Our Xuan family is not as selfish as you Selfish people!"

   "My lord—"

   In the past, King Zhongshan would soften his heart when he heard her cry, thinking that it was not easy for her to be with him for so long, and that he could not give him equal affection, at least take care of her emotions in other aspects. But when the veil of the truth was lifted, in his heart, there was only loathing for her.

   "Get out! Guo Yu! Don't let me say another word!"

   King Zhongshan kicked her out!

  The gate of the palace closed slowly in front of her.

  She didn't know where the courage came from, and rushed over, blocking the middle of the two door panels with her body.

  If forced to close, she will be crushed to a pulp.

  The guards looked at each other in blank dismay. For a while, it was neither closed nor closed, and they sent someone to report to the prince.

  The prince did not come, but Ning Yue.

  Ning Yue held an oil-paper umbrella and looked at her indifferently: "Guo Yu, you are exhausted, let's go, don't stay in the palace."

  Wang Hao recalled that a few hours ago, she was still talking nonsense about what would happen to Ning Yue, but in a blink of an eye, she was kicked out of the palace.

"It's all because of you, Ma Ningyue! If you hadn't caught me, and you had planned so much, I wouldn't have been misunderstood by the prince, and I wouldn't have said so many things in a hurry... let alone see Sakura, I won't ask Sun Yao for help, if anything happens to Sun Yao, it will be your fault..."

  She blamed, but she lost her previous arrogance.

  Ning Yue shook her head sarcastically, why was Sun Yao's accident her fault? Is it reasonable for Guo Yu to ask a pregnant woman to run errands on a rainy day?

"I plotted against you, Guo Yu, but didn't you plot against me? The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. I have been Princess Xuan for so many years, let alone such a simple truth. You will have everything you have today." , it’s all your own fault, don’t blame others, don’t act like a coward, and blame other people’s roads for not repairing after a fall. Who’s to blame if you don’t have eyes?”

  Princess sobbed softly: "You can say whatever you want, I... I didn't do the right thing with you, I admit that I was wrong, I will apologize to your elder brother! We get along like before..."

   "It's late, Guo Yu." Ning Yue said indifferently, "I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it."

   "You said that as long as I kneel down, kowtow to your elder brother and admit my mistakes, and then tell the prince everything about Lanzhen and Xuanyin's background, you will be my good daughter-in-law again!"

  Ning Yue nodded: "Yes, that's what I said, but you refused, didn't you? My elder brother doesn't need your apology anymore. The lord, you already know what you should know. What value do you have?"

   "No, it's not like this! I... Xuanyin's life experience! The prince doesn't know this yet! I can tell the prince! I will tell him exactly! You forgive me!"

  After a whole night of torment and upheaval, the princess's will was completely destroyed, and her figure, which she couldn't let go of, now wanted to bow down to others.

Ning Yue laughed: "I was originally worried that the prince would not give Xuanyin the position of son, so I wanted to tell the prince Xuanyin's life experience, but seeing how disappointed my father is with Xuan Yu, I believe that even if Xuanyin is not in Nanjiang The royal family, the position of the son of the world is also in his pocket."

  The princess changed color suddenly: "Are you calculating Yu'er's position as the heir?"

   "Otherwise? Do you think that a role like yours is worth my troubles?"

   "I...I want to tell the prince!"

   "It's late, Guo Yu, you will never have a chance to see the prince in your whole life."

"What do you mean?"

  Ning Yue took out a piece of paper from her wide sleeve and smiled coldly: "Father asked me to give it to you."

  The concubine unfolded it and saw that it was... a divorce letter!

  (end of this chapter)

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