Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 942: Miserable Ending (6)

  Chapter 942 Miserable end (6)

   "Have you taken it away? After you put it away, go away!" The gatekeeper woman threw Biqing out, probably seeing that Biqing was pitiful, and threw her a silver naked, "Don't come back again!"

  Biqing took the bag and went to the small alley near the Wangfu. It was already late at night and it had just rained heavily.

  Guo Yu was only wearing Sun Yao's thin coat when he was driven out, and he froze after a while.

   "Princess! Concubine!" Biqing ran to her side, seeing that her face was frozen and only her eyes were rolling, she couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with you?"

   " feet are numb..." She was so cold that she could barely open her mouth.

   "Wait!" Biqing hurriedly unpacked her bag, and took a big padded jacket to cover Guo Yu's body, "Is it better?"

   My body warmed up a bit, but it was still difficult to move.

  Biqing rolled her eyes, took out a piece of **** candy from her purse, and fed it into Guo Yu's mouth.

   This is the candy boiled in the public dining room, for the servants to eat. In the past, Guo Yu would never be able to swallow such a low-quality thing, but after being frozen for so long, she is already very picky.

   Ginger sugar entered her body, and she was so hot that she broke into a hot sweat, and her body gradually regained consciousness.

  She wrapped her padded jacket tightly: "Have you seen Sakura?"

  Biqing didn't expect the princess's first sentence to be a question to the young lady, she was taken aback, and said, "No, that lady has been guarding me, and I'm not allowed to go anywhere except your room."

  Guo Yu was anxious: "Damn Diao Nu! When I go back someday, I will definitely kill her!"

   Paused, then asked, "Where's the money? How much did you take?"

  Biqing took out the one thousand tael gold ticket from the rouge box.

  Guo Yu took it and took a look: "So few?"

One thousand taels of gold is almost ten thousand taels of silver, which is actually not a small amount, but for a person like Guo Yu whose quality of life is not inferior to that of the queen, he would have to eat hundreds of silver for any meal, and the inn he stayed in would also cost a lot. Choose the most luxurious one, I'm afraid it won't last long.

   "Can I get it again?" Guo Yu asked.

  Biqing shook her head: "I can't, I only went in today after bluffing that old lady. When that old lady reacts, I'm afraid I will regret that I did something stupid."

  Guo Yu turned pale with anger: "I won't eat his food! Why can't I take my own food?"

  Bi Qing sighed: "My lord said, if you want to get back your own things, call the Guo family to come to your door."

   Calling the Guo family to visit is tantamount to a complete break, and then there is no room for change.

  Guo Yu's complexion changed, and he tightened his cotton-padded jacket: "My lord, you are really cruel!"

   "Princess, 10,000 taels of silver, let's save some money and spend it for several years." What she wanted to say was that she could spend a few lifetimes, but considering the princess's standard, she probably wouldn't be able to drop it anywhere.

  The two began to look for the inn.

Guo Yu has never walked in such bad weather. She either stays in a warm room or sits in a warm carriage. where to.

   Unlike now, Biqing was carrying a heavy burden and was too tired to speak.

  She was blown by the cold wind, and she didn't dare to speak.

  Winter nights are long.

  Guo Yu gradually became a little hungry.

  Bi Qing said: "I remember that there is a noodle shop nearby that is specially opened at night, you wait here, don't wander around, and don't pay attention to anyone who talks to you."

  Guo Yu rubbed his belly: "Okay, you can go."

  Biqing took the few copper coins left on her body and went.

   "Ginger candy! Ginger candy—ginger candy—"

  (end of this chapter)

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