Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 943: Miserable Ending (7)

  Chapter 943 Miserable end (7)

  A five or six-year-old boy hawked a box of **** candies all the way over, "Ma'am, would you like to buy some of my **** candies? My mother made them, they are delicious!"

Seeing him, Guo Yu thought of her own children. All three sons grew up well-clothed and well-fed, but her daughter had to suffer outside for three years. It is said that during those three years she often made a living by peddling. A feeling rose in her heart. Gu Lianxi: "It's so late, why don't you go to bed?"

   "Huh?" The little boy seemed very surprised, "I'm already up! I'm starting to work! If it's any later, I won't be able to support my mother and sister!"

   "It's so early." Guo Yu looked at the dark and boundless night sky, and then asked the little boy, "I bought all the **** candies, you go back to sleep."

   "Really? But, but madam, these **** candies cost a hundred copper coins!" The little boy opened his watery eyes.

  Guo Yu opened his purse and took out the golden ticket: "I don't have any coins, only this one. Can you find it?"

   "Ah... this... ah..." The little boy was stunned.

   "If I can't find it, I can't buy it." Guo Yu said.

"Madam, you can find it, wait here! I will go to the bank next door and exchange the money for you!" The little boy said, taking off the small plate hanging around his neck and putting it on the ground, "Madam, please Please help me take care of my booth, our whole family depends on it, you must take care of it, I will be right back!"

   "Okay." Guo Yu handed the golden ticket to the little boy, not noticing the cunning flashing in the little boy's eyes.

   A quarter of an hour later, Biqing came back with a bowl of noodles: "Ma'am! Sanxian noodles!"

   It is said to be three fresh noodles, but in fact there are only a few vegetable leaves and three or two pieces of fat.

  Guo Yu glanced at it with disgust, and subconsciously didn't want to eat it, but he was really hungry and he was too cold, so he took a bowl and ate it by the side of the road.

   Before eating two bites, a car with Ye Xiang passing by passed by and almost hit Guo Yu.

  Guo Yu shook his hand, and a bowl of noodles fell to the ground.

   Only took two bites.

  Biqing opened her mouth: "Why don't you, servant girl, go buy another bowl?"

   "No." Guo Yu threw away his chopsticks, straightened his clothes, raised his head proudly, "Find an inn to stay."

   What a shame to eat noodles on the side of the road!

  Biqing put her burden back on her back and was about to leave when she saw a small stall next to her: "Whose is this?"

   "A little boy, I bought his **** candy, and he went to give me some change." Guo Yu said unhurriedly.

  Bi Qing stared at the words, " don't mean to give him the golden ticket, do you?"

   "Yes, he went to the bank to exchange money for me, so that we don't have to run away, and we can have cash to use later." Guo Yu said with a hint of pride, obviously thinking that he had done a very smart thing.

  Biqing even wants to die!

  At this point, the bank hasn’t opened yet. Where can the little boy exchange money? It was obvious that the golden ticket was cheated away!

   It's okay to be fooled by Si Kongjing's idiot, how could a little boy...could be fooled by the princess?

   "Didn't I tell you to ignore whoever talks to you?"

  Guo Yu said disapprovingly: "It's just a child, what's wrong? Is there a problem? His stall is still here, and their whole family lives on it."

  I'm going to cry because of you...

Biqing wanted to cry without tears and said: "This stall is worth one or two taels of silver at the end, but you gave him ten thousand taels of silver! How can he use the money to set up a stall? He can go back to the countryside Be the lord!"

  (end of this chapter)

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