Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 944: Miserable Ending (8)

  Chapter 944 Miserable end (8)

  Guo Yu was stunned.

  The sky is gradually getting brighter.

  The nanny hugged Xuan Xiaoying to get up, and dressed Xuan Xiaoying.

   "I don't want this!"

   "I want blue!"

   "Not this blue!"

   "You stupid! Get out!"

  Nurse was kicked out of the room by Xuan Xiaoying.

  The maids brought delicious meals to serve her.

  Xuan Sakura doesn't eat.

  The maids brought her favorite tremella soup again.

  Xuan Xiaoying slowly pushed the white fungus soup to the ground, smashing it into a mess.

  Since returning home, Xuan Xiaoying has been as quiet as a kitten. Although she is not docile, because she has always had her own opinions, she has never been so noisy.

  The people immediately reported to King Zhongshan.

   King Zhongshan rushed to her room, and she was sitting on the head of the bed, silently playing with colored glaze beads. King Zhongshan touched her head tenderly: "I heard that you refuse to eat."

  Xuan Xiaoying turned her head to avoid his hand.

  Holding his hands slightly, King Zhongshan sat down next to her.

   She said, "You're blocking the light."

   King Zhongshan moved aside, looked at her dotingly and said, "Father will accompany you to dinner."

  Xuan Xiaoying didn't speak, she played with the glass beads silently, her little face was smelly.

  Zhongshan King sighed softly: "Tell me, why are you unhappy?"

   "I want a concubine mother." She said stubbornly.

   King Zhongshan's eyes dimmed: "She is not worthy to be your mother and concubine!"

   "Then who is worthy?" Xuan Xiaoying raised her head and asked, her eyes were bright, like gemstones in a clear spring, with a hint of coolness faintly.

   King Zhongshan felt uncomfortable with his daughter's questioning eyes, and touched the top of her hair. This time, she did not avoid it.

   "No matter who, she is not worthy anyway." King Zhongshan said.

  Thinking that Xuan Xiaoying would get angry, unexpectedly she just let out a light oh, then lowered her head and continued playing with colored glaze beads.

   "My lord!" Outside the door, the servant reported, "The carriage is ready."

   King Zhongshan glanced at his daughter and said to the door: "Understood, I will go in a while."

   "Where are you going?" Xuan Xiaoying asked.

   "Go to the barracks."

   "I want to go too." Xuan Xiaoying said calmly, "My concubine mother used to accompany me, but now that you have lost my concubine, you will accompany me instead."

   King Zhongshan was a little at a loss by his daughter's early wisdom. How could he not see that his daughter was making use of the problem? If his daughter was crying, he could still cruelly hand it over to his servants to coax her, but his daughter was calm now, which made him feel uneasy.

  He picked up his daughter: "Okay."

  He really brought his daughter into the barracks.

  Throughout the ages, he is the first prince who brings his daughter to work.

  He made a small wheelchair for his daughter. The daughter didn't sit in it, but hung on him, and wouldn't get off for a moment.

   While he was touring the boot camp—

  Xuan Xiaoying: "I want to drink water."

   As he checked the armory—

  Xuan Xiaoying: "I want to pee."

  When he was discussing with his staff how to solve the crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason—

  Xuan Xiaoying: "I'm going to pull Smelly."

   Zhongshan King's face turned green: "Let the nanny take you there."

"I don't want these. These are all made by my concubine. You can either return my concubine to me, or do it yourself! Alright, I'm done, wipe my ass." Xuan Xiaoying jumped off the toilet .

  Looking at that white butt, King Zhongshan really wanted to slap him!

  The father and daughter returned to the tent where they discussed the matter.

  (end of this chapter)

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