Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 962: Shi Rongqing's heart fell down (8)

  Chapter 962 Shi Rongqing's heart fell into a well (8)

   "Closed! Go out of business! Go play somewhere else!" Behind the door came the servant's call.

   Xuanyin said without anger: "It's getting dark, and there are no post stations or inns nearby. We don't want to soak in hot springs, so we just stay overnight."

   "You can't take a bath in the hot spring! You don't want to stay overnight! You can go!" The servant said unceremoniously.

  Xuanyin opened his mouth, and was about to ask the boy to call their boss, when Rong Lin flew over and kicked the door away.

  Xuanyin raised his eyebrows, this kid, can't he eat gunpowder? So angry?

  Rong Qing's eyes moved, then lowered, without speaking.

  The Mo sisters clapped their hands happily, their little son is so heroic!

Wen Bo heard the movement, and hurried over: "Who? Kick the door if you disagree? Is there any law? I said to close the business and let you go to another place. There are many small hot springs nearby. You go You can do it over there too! Why do you have to kick my family..."


The word   , when seeing Xuanyin, choked it up in his throat.

   " are..." Wen Bo turned his head, looked at Zhuang Nei, and widened his eyes in disbelief. After a long while, he seemed to finally come to his senses, and said, "Aren't you local?"

  From you are, to you are.

   Xuanyin frowned slightly: "We are from the capital, and we want to spend a vacation here. The price is negotiable."

  Wen Bo's eyes flashed: "Wait a minute, I'll go and see if there are so many rooms."

  He rushed into Yilan Courtyard: "Master! Master! He...he is here!"

Sikong Shuo was taking a bath. His whole body was soaked in the bathtub. The hot water flowed over his body, reaching below his collarbone. In the water mist, he could vaguely see his delicate collarbone and fair neck, together with a half-demon-like, alluring body. face.

   "Which one is he?" He slowly raised his head, with an indescribable elegance.

  Wen Bo was startled, looking at this captivating face, recalling the face he saw outside the door, his temples throbbed: "Xuan...Xuan Yin is here."

   "Alone?" he asked casually.

   "A group of people, including men, women and children." Wen Bo asked, "Do you want them to come in?"

   "Come in." Sikong Shuo closed his eyes and sank into the bottom of the water.


  Wen Bo took Lin Lanzhi and his party in and arranged them in a large courtyard.

  Lin Lanzhi lives alone in a room.

   Ning Yue and Xuan Yin share a room.

  Rong Qing and Rong Lin still live in the same room. The Mo family sisters invited Rong Lin to live in their wing, but Lin Lanzhi declined. She has no objection to chatting to enhance the relationship, but living so close, she is somewhat afraid that the children will not be able to control them and do things they shouldn't do at night.

   "Rong Qing's clothes are in the cabinet on the left, and Rong Lin's are on the right." After explaining, Lin Lanzhi went to Ning Yue and Xuan Yin's room.

  Rong Lin hugged the clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

  Rong Qing was thirsty and wanted to drink water himself, but the wheelchair was too far away from the bed for him to reach.

  He picked up Rong Lin's sword, hooked the wheelchair over, moved his body slowly, intending to sit on it.

  But suddenly—

  The arm went numb, and the whole person fell face down and fell to the ground.

   Teeth hit the armrest of the wheelchair, bleeding out.

  The bathroom door was pulled open with a bang!

  Rong Lin stepped out with wet hair, and trembled with anger when he saw Rong Qing lying on the ground in embarrassment with his mouth full of blood!

   "What the **** do you call me?"

  He roared like a lion whose tail had been trampled on.

  (end of this chapter)

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