Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 963: Shi Rongqing's heart fell into a well (9)

  Chapter 963 Shi Rongqing's heart fell into a well (9)

  He knelt down to hug Rongqing.

  Rong Qing blocked his hand: "Go away."

Rong Lin ran wild: "Rong Qing! Are you out of your mind? You who found me the Mo family sisters, you are the one who is unhappy when I accept them! What do you want from me? How can I make you satisfied? Tell me Me, Rong Qing! Tell me!"

  Rong Qing didn't speak.

  Rong Lin was so angry that he kicked over the table!

   "What's the matter?" Lin Lanzhi heard the movement, and ran over with Ning Yue, and saw Rong Qing lying helplessly on the ground, mouth full of blood, and Rong Lin standing aside with blood-red eyes, as if very angry.

  The two were shocked in unison! Busy to help Rong Qing.

  Rong Qing waved their hands away: "Go away."

  Lin Lanzhi: "Son."

  Ning Yue: "Brother..."

Rong Qing clenched her fingers, and said bitterly: "I tell you to go away! I am a waste! A waste that can't even take care of itself! I would fall down even fetching a glass of water by myself! I am such a waste, why do you care about me? ? Go away—"

  Lin Lanzhi's heart clenched into a ball, and she knew that it was not that her son didn't care about her disability, but she just kept pretending to be calm. But now, he couldn't pretend anymore, and the emotions that had been suppressed for many years broke out completely...

  Ning Yue took a deep look at elder brother and Rong Lin, and took Lin Lanzhi's hand: "Mother, let's go out, let elder brother be alone."

  Lin Lanzhi nodded with tears in her eyes.

  Ning Yue closed the door from the outside.

Rong Lin squeezed the center of his brows fiercely, suppressed his anger, and hugged Rong Qing: "Okay, I won't marry any sisters from the Mo family, I will make it clear to them later, don't be angry with me OK?"

   "I'm not angry with you." Rong Qing said in a low voice.

   "Then you are still like this?" Rong Lin raised his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

  Rong Qing didn't move, let him rub it, and said softly: "Rong Lin, let's go."

   "Where are you going?" Rong Lin asked subconsciously.

  Rong Qing lowered his eyes and said, "Anywhere is fine, go back to your own home, or go to southern Xinjiang, and continue to be your commander-in-chief."

   "You drive me away? You don't want me anymore?" Rong Lin's expression changed.

  Rong Qing's tone was very calm: "It's not that I don't want you."

   I can't afford it.


  Everyone tidied up and came to the dining hall for dinner.

  The rice is prepared by the villa, very delicate and rich.

"Ah, some of the hot springs in the villa are being repaired, so they are closed. There are some hot springs that you can soak in. If you want to go, you can ask the maids here, and they will guide you. If there is nothing else, Wen will leave first. "

   Wen Bo cupped his hands and exited the dining room.

  The two families sat down around the table, they were all present, only Rong Lin and Rong Qing were left.

   Soon, Rong Qing pushed the wheelchair over.

   Ning Yue stretched her neck and looked back: "Brother, where is Rong Lin?"

   "He's gone." Rong Qing said lightly.

  Everyone was taken aback.

   Ning Yue asked in amazement: "Why did he leave? Where did he go? When will he come back?"

   "That's right, Eldest Young Master, when will Young Master come back?" Mo Ni asked anxiously. She and her sister chased all the way to Tangshan because of the young master, don't chase after them, they ran away!

  Rong Qing stopped by the table, picked up a pair of chopsticks, and said with a dull expression: "I don't know, he didn't say anything. Let's all eat, the dishes are getting cold."

  He picked up a piece of braised pork, which is Rong Lin's favorite dish.


  Mo Ni put down her chopsticks and said displeasedly: "How can this be? He's gone too far, right? We chased him so hard, but he left before he said who he was going to marry!"

Uncle Mo was also a little displeased, but after all, he was not as impulsive as his niece, and said in a kind tone: "You must be busy with something, right? We also came all the way, why don't you let the eldest master decide?" , let’s settle the marriage between the two.”

  Mo Ni nodded like a slapstick: "Yes, yes! My sister and I, who do you fancy?"

   "Sorry, he may not be able to marry any of you for the time being." Rong Qing put down his chopsticks.

"What do you mean?" Mona, who was the smartest and calmest, was obviously unhappy, "Are you kidding us? We sisters are serious about the young master! We must marry him Yes! Are you dissatisfied with both of us? Forbid him to marry us?"

   "That's right, Eldest Prince! Are we not good enough?" Mo Ni echoed.

   "It's not that you are bad."

Uncle Mo stood up: "You are the adoptive father of the young master. We respect you, so we ask what you mean, but in the final analysis, you are not qualified to make decisions for the young master! Whether he will marry my niece or not, you say no." Forget it! Let him come to us in person, and I will listen to him personally!"

   "He won't come back." Rong Qing's eyes dimmed, "Never will."

  (end of this chapter)

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