Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 964: dream back to past life(1)

  Chapter 964 Dreaming back to the previous life (1)

   A meal ended badly.

  The sisters of the Mo family returned to the wing room without interest, and locked themselves in the room as soon as they entered the room. No matter how much Uncle Mo knocked on the door, they would not open it.

   Regarding this, Lin Lanzhi expressed his helplessness.

  Rong Lin is nominally Qing'er's adopted son, but he also has another identity, that is, the commander-in-chief of Southern Xinjiang.

  If he really wanted to go, they couldn't stop him.

   "Early this morning, I felt that something was wrong with him, but I was careless and didn't ask. I was thinking of a child. I must have something hidden in my heart? Maybe it's a child's temper... I just ask."

   Lin Lanzhi blamed himself.

  Although she knew that Rong Lin was going to leave and no one could stop her, she still had a bit of a grudge about why Rong Lin left.

  She wanted to ask her son, did she quarrel with Rong Lin? When he first entered the room, his son was lying on the ground, and Rong Lin was sulking beside him. If he didn't know them well, he might think they had a fight. But seeing his son's melancholy face, he couldn't ask any more questions.

   Rong Lin has the deepest relationship with her son, and she can't accept it, and he must feel even more uncomfortable.

  Lin Lanzhi sighed and went back to the house.

  Ning Yue couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart, and ran to ask Rong Qing: "Brother, why did Rong Lin leave without saying a word? Is he running away from marriage?"

  Rong Qing was sitting in a wheelchair, flipping through the book in his hand, the brilliance fell on his handsome face, like a layer of cool veil, and his face was also stained with a trace of coldness: "He has his own way."

   "His way... isn't your way too?"

  Whether it is about the son inheriting his father's career, or about the deep brotherhood, or the fetters that override any feelings, Ning Yue always feels that they should never part ways.

   "Did you drive him away, brother?" Ning Yue asked firmly.

  Rong Qing didn't speak.

Ning Yue got the answer from his silence, but she was not as relaxed as she had imagined, and instead became more confused, but she understood that she couldn't ask her elder brother any more. For this poor man, losing Rong Lin is like losing a pair of walking shoes. From now on, not only the appearance, but even the heart, I can no longer stand up on my legs.

  Ning Yue went back to her room and threw herself into Xuanyin's arms to seek comfort.

  Every time when she is depressed, she loves to get into his arms, which is like a shelter from the wind, which can isolate all troubles and chaos.

  Xuanyin put down the letter sent by the shadow guards, threw it into the brazier and burned it, hugged the person in his arms tightly, and asked dotingly: "Are you worried about the big brother?"

   "Well, big brother obviously doesn't want Rong Lin to leave, why did you drive him away?"

  Actually, she also likes Rong Lin very much. She has a stinky temper and always blows up.

  Going away like this suddenly, let alone big brother, she is not used to it!

  She plunged into Xuanyin's arms and rubbed hard.

   Xuanyin took her little hand, put it to her lips and kissed it: "Your elder brother has his own considerations, right?"

   "What consideration?"

Xuanyin said slowly: "I'm afraid I'll delay Rong Lin. Rong Lin is the commander in chief in southern Xinjiang, and he can only be an invisible friend for the rest of his life. He can't even disclose the identity of his adopted son. The situation between Xiliang and Southern Xinjiang Seriously, Rong Qing has no choice but to return home, he has the blood of the Ma family in Xiliang in his bones, Rong Lin is different."

   Ning Yue frowned: "But Rong Lin is not from Southern Xinjiang either! He is just like his elder brother, he was exiled to Southern Xinjiang! Maybe he is also from Xiliang!"

Xuanyin nodded, as if afraid of frightening her, his tone was very soft and gentle: "Maybe he is from Xiliang, maybe not. Anyway, before he finds his biological parents, he is from Southern Xinjiang, and he cannot openly Appeared in Xiliang."

  (end of this chapter)

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