Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 966: Dream Back to Past Life (4)

  Chapter 966 Dreaming back to the previous life (4)

  The young master has a bad temper, he knows it, after all, after such an accident, who can act like an ordinary child? But the young master is very able to control himself, never gets angry easily, even if he is really pushed hard by others, he still smiles calmly, kills what should be killed, never takes it to heart, and never lets himself become a slave to his temper.

   Yet today—

  The young master's emotions seem to be out of control, completely out of control.

  Wen Bo realized the seriousness of the problem, stood up, and looked at Sikong Shuo: "Master, what happened to you? Who messed with you?"

Sikong Shuo was like a raging beast, overturning everything that could move in the room. He was barefoot, stepped on the messy ground, stepped on sharp tiles, and blood flowed out, but he didn't seem to know the pain. With bloodshot eyes, she said: "Why did she treat me like this? Just because I am a product of rape, she despises me so much?"

   It turned out that he was talking about Madam.

   Has the young master been stimulated again?

  Wen Bo's eyes flashed a trace of distress: "Madam has no choice but to, she doesn't want you to be poisoned..."

Sikong Shuo yelled crazily: "Can you treat me like this if you don't want me to be poisoned? Why don't you make her youngest son like this? Why did you give him my peace talisman? Why did you make me suffer from this pain?" ?”

  There are two ways to suppress the onset of Gu poison, one is to wear a safety amulet, and the other is to...

  Wen Bo sighed. To be honest, she also felt that the wife was eccentric. She was also her own flesh and blood, but she was so kind to the second son and so cruel to the eldest son.

  The young master was actually very good when he was a child. Like all children of the same age, he longed to see his mother. I don't know who told him that if he is obedient and don't be naughty, he can see his mother, he believed it. Whenever he was bullied by his servants, he endured it obediently. His younger brothers beat him, abused him, and humiliated him, but he never said a word.

   I remember one time, Sikong Cheng lied to him, saying that as long as he got under his crotch, he would take him to see his mother.

how old is he? seven years old? five years old?

  Wimber doesn't remember.

  He only remembered that beautiful child, looking at his younger brother timidly, his innocent eyes flashed like a cat with strength and determination.

   Then, he really drilled.

   In return, Sikong Cheng and a group of servants laughed wildly.

   He asked him, are you wronged?

  He said that if he could see his mother, he would not be wronged, and asked him naively, mother will protect me, right?

  The young master lived in Sikong's house like a beast for ten years, and finally waited for his mother to pick him up.

  He still remembered that it was a sunny afternoon, the lady wore a light blue curtain and entered the gate of Sikong's house under the **** of several blood guards. Patriarch Sikong was very happy, and went to talk to Madam, probably to keep Madam, or imprison Madam again. But before Patriarch Sikong touched even a hair of his wife, he was beaten to the ground by those blood guards.

  The young master jumped up ecstatically when he saw this scene.

  The young master must have been thinking at the time, so his mother is so powerful, so he no longer has to worry about being bullied.

  However, it was this powerful mother who gave him the most fatal blow in his life.

  The young master and his wife also had a good time, in the hot spring villa.

  This is actually the wife's property, and the wife wrote the name of the young master on the deed.

  He still remembers the unbelievable joy on the young master's face: "Is it really for me? Will able to own my own property in the future?"

   "Of course, you are my child." The lady stroked his head tenderly.

  (end of this chapter)

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