Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 967: Dream Back to Past Life (6)

  Chapter 967 Dreaming back to the previous life (6)

   That man who was so many years older than her, a thousand-year-old demon-like man, but in that respect, he was as young as a virgin...

  Five days, whether it is long or short, the bustling crowds, the noisy and lively streets, everything is the same as before, but the undercurrent hidden under the bright side is quite different from before.

   "Ahem!" Guo Yu coughed twice, trembled, and opened his eyes suddenly!

  The curtain with pearl tassels, the carved mahogany table, the incense burner...

   This is not her room!

  She had already moved out of the palace and lived in that dilapidated farmhouse. Not to mention the luxurious furniture, even the windows were broken.


"you're awake?"

  Accompanied by a cold voice, a girl in yellow clothes broke into Guo Yu's sight.

  The woman's skin is as jade-like, as gorgeous as peaches and plums, with a slim figure and noble temperament. One can tell at a glance that she is not the daughter of an ordinary family.

  Guo Yu looked at the other party, was stunned for a while, and then said in surprise: "Miss Huang?"

  Huangfuyan nodded: "It's me, princess, are you feeling better? You have been in a coma for five days, do you feel any discomfort?"

  Five days...

  The last memory of her stays in the moment when she was chased by her brother and fled all over the street and had to jump into the pigsty. After jumping in, she lost consciousness. I didn't expect this coma to take so long!

   "You saved me?" she asked dully.

  Huangfuyan said: "After you were divorced from the palace, I have been looking for you."

   "What do you want me for?" Guo Yu asked subconsciously, his eyes swept away, "Where's Biqing?"

"She's cooking medicine in the kitchen, don't worry, she's fine." Huangfuyan poured Guo Yu a glass of warm water, and helped Guo Yu sit up, "Your Majesty has saved my life, and after entering the palace, you have taken care of me in every possible way. This time, your mother and child are in trouble, and I can't just stand by and watch out of emotion and reason."

  After experiencing so many things, Guo Yu's heart became more sensitive than before. She glanced at the other party vigilantly, holding the teacup and did not speak.

  Huangfuyan smiled faintly: "Don't you want to ask me how the crown prince's injury is?"

  Guo Yu paused with the hand holding the teacup: "Yu' is it?"

   "The injury is very serious, and I can't get out of bed yet. The prince is really cruel. It won't take a year or so for the son to recover." Huangfuyan sighed softly.

  The second son is still recovering from his injuries in Youzhou, and the eldest son is now lying on the bed...Why is her life so miserable?

  Guo Yu's nose felt sore for a while.

   "Where is Sakura? Is she doing well? Did you cry a lot?" Guo Yu asked with a sob.

  Huang Fuyan said: "She is alright, stronger than I imagined, I heard that she has been wandering among the people for three years, probably because of this, she is stronger and precocious than children of the same age."

   "She didn't cry?" Guo Yu couldn't believe it.

   "You don't have to be disappointed. It's not because she doesn't cry because she doesn't miss you, but because she understands that crying is useless. As early as the three years when she was living among the people, she understood this truth."

  Guo Yu felt better in her heart, but soon, more severe pain overwhelmed her: "Don't cry or make trouble, just hold it in your heart, how uncomfortable!"

Huangfuyan poured her another cup of tea: "Yes, for a child, without the blessing of a mother, it is very difficult to grow up happily. My royal father is like this. My grandmother left early. He is in... the mansion, Live like years."

  No amount of poverty, no amount of humiliation, can compare with this sentence "living like a year".

  (end of this chapter)

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