Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 968: Dream Back to Past Life (7)

  Chapter 968 Dreaming back to the previous life (7)

  Guo Yu's hand held the teacup tightly, almost crushing the teacup!

Huangfuyan took a full look at her expression, and said with the same expression: "The son was injured too badly, and he was in a coma most of the time. He couldn't tell me much about your affairs. If you feel that your body is still Well, you might as well tell me everything, and I'll see if I can help you."

   "You don't want to use me, do you? What is your purpose in entering the mansion?"

  Guo Yu asked cautiously.

  People can grow up. After being teased so much by Su Huo and Sikong Jing, and after being scammed of all her money by a little boy, no matter how stupid she is, she can't trust others as before.

   It's just that growing up requires a process. Facing Huang Fuyan whose IQ is comparable to Ning Yue's, her skills are still too shallow.

Huangfuyan fearlessly met her probing gaze, without any dodge in his eyes: "Princess, I didn't enter the mansion by myself, it was your son who rescued me from Yunzhou all the way. Went to Beijing, woke up, asked the servants, and realized that it was the palace of the prince."

makes sense.

  Guo Yu lowered his eyes.

  Huangfuyan continued: "Even if the concubine doesn't believe me, she should also believe your son. Is Xuan Yu such a deceitful person?"

  Of course Xuan Yu is not easy to deceive. From the first moment he saw her, Xuan Yu recognized her identity and saved her, but he just wanted to hold her hostage and use it as a bargaining chip to blackmail her grandpa. Just these, Xuan Yu never mentioned to anyone. In their eyes, Xuan Yu was probably moved by her beauty, so he generously took her home.

  Guo Yu also felt that the eldest son would not bring anyone back casually, and that the ones he brought back must be from innocent families and kind-hearted.

   "Moreover." Huangfuyan said with an accentuated tone, "Your son saved me more than once."

   "Huh?" Guo Yu was surprised.

  Huangfuyan said: "Once, when I was out for a stroll, I met a villain. He almost raped me. It was the prince who saved me again."

  The truth is, she was fed cartilage powder by Xuan Yu, and she hurriedly fled back to the southern border, but passed out by the roadside. In a daze, she knew that someone was holding her down, and she also knew that she passed out again. I heard from the servants that she was carried back by Xuan Yu. So she guessed that it was Xuan Yu who saved her.

  Guo Yu did remember such an incident. It was very late that day, and her son carried someone back home, wrapped tightly in a cloak. She asked who it was, and her son said Miss Huang.

  Huangfuyan pulled the corner of her lips: "Look, your son saved me again and again, even if I was hard-hearted, I was influenced by him."

  The last sentence really touched Guo Yu's heart.

  Guo Yu likes Miss Huang very much. From the first moment he saw her, he wanted to hire her as his daughter-in-law. However, she and Yu'er have always been tepid, which made Guo Yu not sure whether the two of them were going to have fun. Now, Miss Huang said that she was influenced by Yu'er, did she tell her in a disguised form that she wanted to marry Yu'er?

  Guo Yu held the hand of the daughter-in-law-to-be: "Yu'er will treat you well, and I will treat you well! When I return to the palace, I will hire your family and marry you!"

Huangfuyan's eyes flickered: "Princess, there is no rush for this matter. The prince has already divorced you. If you don't solve this problem, I'm afraid you won't be able to return to the mansion for the rest of your life. Moreover, after Sikong Jing made such a fuss, the whole capital knew You were divorced by the prince, and you still think that the prince will take you back, it is impossible."

  Guo Yu was stunned: "You... know everything? Where's my elder brother? Where's the Guo family?"

  (end of this chapter)

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