Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1181: There will only be one husband in this life

When everyone on the scene heard this voice, they almost turned their heads and looked over. Qi Anran was also a little surprised when he saw the people coming.

The people in the parliament and President Bai had already been there before, and most of them had already left in condolences.

Qi Anran didn't see Bai Ruqing among these two teams. He thought that this person would not be here today, but he didn't want to meet him at this time.

Member Feng was shocked when he saw Bai Ruqing coming over. Although his qualifications in the parliament were older than Bai Ruqing, the real power in his hands was not as much as Bai Ruqing.

When the two met on weekdays, Bai Ruqing could still greet him when he was in a good mood. When he was in a bad mood, it was normal to ignore him directly. On the contrary, he, an old senior, often had to think of the law and fawn on Bai Ruqing.

Therefore, this will suddenly meet Bai Ruqing, and Mr. Feng's face is not unpleasant.

"Mr. Bai, why are you here too?"

Bai Ruqing brought a few cronies and walked to them with a smile, and said meaningfully: "Member Feng can come, why can't I come? Besides, my family and the Huo family are family friends. The Huo family has encountered such a big problem. I'm afraid I can't justify it if I don't come, am I?"

Bai Ruqing's remarks made the Honourable Member's heart uncontrollable. Although there are many rumors that Bai Ruqing has a bad relationship with Huo Yizhen, it is true that Bai Ruqing was angry about Huo Yizhen not long ago.

The Honourable Member is really not sure whether the relationship between Bai Ruqing and Huo Yizhen is good or not. Will he help himself when he appears here today? Will it still help Qi Anran?

Qi Anran and the others also didn't understand this question, so each of them would look tense, for fear that Bai Ruqing and the Honourable Member would be unkind.

Bai Ruqing noticed all the changes in the expressions of everyone present, and the corners of her lips were slightly hooked, and she walked in the direction where Qi Anran was.

Ji Shengnan and others who stood in front of Qi Anran suddenly stiffened, and their gazes towards Bai Ruqing were also faintly defensive.

Bai Ruqing walked in front of Qi Anran and the others, with a voice that only a few of them could hear, and smiled lightly: "You still have time to choose me now."

As soon as Bai Ruqing said this, everyone including Su Haochen, Ji Shengnan and others opened their eyes wide and looked at Bai Ruqing in disbelief.

Hidden behind the crowd, Huo Yizhen's eyes almost never burst into flames on the spot. He knew that this **** was thinking about his wife. Not long after he had just "dead", this person could not wait to dig his corner. .

It is tolerable, which is unbearable! Take a small notebook and remember it, and when he comes back from completing the task, the first thing he will do is to beat up the bastard's head, so that he will never dare to say an ambiguous word to his wife in this life!

Huo Yizhen's eyes flushed with anger, and Su Haochen was also furious, and immediately wanted to go forward and beat someone, but was held back by Xi Jinheng.

"What are you doing..." Before Su Haochen finished speaking, he saw Xi Jinheng made a silent gesture at him, and turned his head to look at Qi Anran in a pointed manner.

Su Haochen choked on her lips, followed Xi Jinheng and looked towards Qi Anran, looking forward to Qi Anran's response.

Qi Anran looked at the small interactions of a few people without paying attention, unconsciously stretched out his hand to touch his belly, and firmly and resolutely said: "I can only have one husband in my life. I am alive. I am his person. Dead, I am his ghost too."

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