Su Haochen and the others unanimously let out a sigh of relief, and at the same time turned to look at Bai Ruqing, their brows filled with provocation and pride.

Bai Ruqing wasn't angry either, as if he had expected Qi Anran to say this a long time ago.

Standing in place, he took a deep look at Qi Anran, then the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he turned to Mr. Feng without saying anything.

Mr. Feng and his daughter were far away, and they didn't hear the conversation between Qi Anran and others at all.

Furthermore, the two said two sentences, less than a minute before and after, the two Mr. Feng and his daughter were even more confused.

It can only be guessed from the movements of Qi Anran and others and the expressions of everyone present that the relationship between Madam Huo and Bai Ruqing does not seem to be very good.

So, Mr. Bai should be on their side today, right? !

The two of them were weighing for themselves, but Bai Ruqing had already turned and walked towards them.

Mr. Feng subconsciously blocked his daughter back, and tentatively shouted: "Mr. Bai..."

"Congressman Meng, everyone says that your daughter is a caring little padded jacket for your parents, but how do I think that this one in your family is thinking of the law to pull you into the water and cause you trouble?"

Senator Feng's expression froze suddenly, staring at Bai Ruqing in amazement, and said in embarrassment: "Professor Bai, I...I don't quite understand what you mean."

"I have just stood outside the door for a while, and I have listened to most of your conversations. I believe Mr. Bai should know in his heart that this matter is a problem for me in the end. Mrs. Huo suffered from the loss of her husband. She was heartbroken. At this time, she ran to her husband’s funeral and made a lot of noise, even conjecturing that a newly bereaved survivor was stealing someone from her husband without evidence."

When Bai Ruqing said this, she raised her head and glanced at Senator Feng and sneered: "Imagine Mr. Feng, if one day you die in an accident, your wife will be pointed at the nose by the cat and dog who didn’t know where she is. When you die, you will be forced to wear a imaginary green hat. Will you get out of the coffin with anger and choke that person to death?"

The Honourable Member turned green when he heard Bai Ruqing's words, and he did not know whether it was because Bai Ruqing had just listened to most of their words, or because of Bai Ruqing's uncomfortable metaphor.

But no matter what the reason, Mr. Feng has already heard Bai Ruqing's illocutionary meaning. Regardless of whether the relationship between Bai Ruqing and Huo Yizhen is good or not, Bai Ruqing is on the side of Qi Anran and others on this matter, and it is also because of this. One thing is very dissatisfied with his daughter.

Of course, if he still favors his daughter, Bai Ruqing's dissatisfaction is likely to spread to him.

Mr. Feng loves his daughter, but he also cherishes his feathers.

If this matter is not handled well today and spread out in the future, whether it is outside or inside the Military Assembly, I am afraid it will leave a stain that cannot be cleaned up.

Miss Feng heard what Bai Ruqing said, and saw that her father turned out to be touched by this person, her face changed, and even her impression of Bai Ruqing became extremely bad.

With a hot head, a series of non-brained words came out: "A few of them are members of the military department, and they are also the old department of General Huo. It is reasonable to protect this woman. It is the same as a member of the White Council. Are you concerned about other people's home affairs? Is it possible that you are also the guest of this woman?"

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