Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1195: Familiar account

Since Qi Anran's belly has grown bigger, and after the obvious changes in body shape, he doesn't go out much. The company doesn't have to worry about it.

Before Xi Muyu's leg injury healed, his sister Xi Xiaojun received the news and hurried back to the imperial capital.

When she came back, Xi Muyu made a special call to her sister, admonishing her to be more careful, as some people might want to jeopardize their family members.

Because of this, Xi Xiaojun was very careful on the way back, and really avoided a bizarre robbery that almost involved her.

It's also scary. Although the case didn't cause any trouble in the end, it also caused several passers-by to be injured.

However, Xi Xiaojun and Xi Muyu knew that if they hadn't been prepared and avoided this case, the injured person might have been Xi Xiaojun, and it would be more than just injuries that fell on her.

The two brothers and sisters had accidents one after another, making the Xi family more sure that Xi Muyu's car accident was not an accident, and they were also extremely sure that those people were directed at their entire Xi family, and not simply having any personal grievances with Xi Muyu.

It's a pity that the driver who caused Xi Muyu's calf fracture killed himself as a drunk driver. Xi Muyu and others were unable to pry open his mouth and asked him to tell the messenger behind the scenes.

In the end, Qi Anran helped to check the bank card movement trend of the driver and his family, and finally found an unknown payment on a bank card of his son.

Qi Anran wanted to follow this clue to investigate, but found that there was a problem with the account that put the money into the driver's son's account.

These familiar accounts and payment routines reminded her of the fake account that Huo Yizhen had shown her in S City.

At that time, the fake account belonged to a researcher codenamed Shirley in the research institute, so would the black hand after this farce be the research institute?

If that's the case, are the Xi family members affected because of themselves?

After all, before this, the Xi family had never had a conflict of interest with the Institute.

Qi Anran hesitated and told the siblings of the Xi family truthfully the incident. The two learned that the incident might have something to do with the research institute, but they really did not blame Qi Anran for this incident, but made Qi Anran hide more strictly. Some, it's best not to show up in the short term.

As for them, don't worry, the Xi family is low-key, but they are not weak enough to withstand a blow.

Xi Muyu's previous injury was purely an unprepared move that the villain was thinking about. Now that he knows that someone wants their lives, how can he sit still?

The only pity is that neither Qi Anran nor them have definitive evidence to prove that this matter is related to the research institute, and there is really no way to deal with the research institute for the time being.

However, the research institute designed two "accidents" in a row, which didn't hurt people.

In the next few months, I didn't seem to dare to act rashly. Although secretly pressured the Xi family, the Xi family was not a vegetarian, and forced these people to know how hard their bones were.

In addition, Qi Anran didn’t go to Sang Lao’s laboratory very much in the past few months. At first, he was worried that the device in the laboratory would harm the child due to radiation. They are all from Sang Lao, but there are so many people, who knows if anyone will leak this out?

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