Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1196: Inspection data

Simply, I haven't been there again.

Furthermore, the reasons for her refusal to go are also readily available. Less than a year after her marriage, the newlyweds died on the battlefield.

Although Qi Anran has great abilities, he is only a girl under twenty years old, and it is normal to be hit.

Therefore, Qi Anran hadn't been there for a long time, and the people in the Sang Lao Institute didn't feel that weird. They just lamented that she had a bad fate and encountered this kind of thing at a young age.

It was Sang Lao and Master Mu. Although they felt distressed for Qi Anran, they didn't want to see her so decadent. When Qi Anran's stomach was more than four months old, they ran to Huo's house to find Qi Anran.

There was almost no suspense as a result of this visit. Master Mu and Sang Lao saw that Qi Anran had a little shape in their stomachs, they almost didn't come up and passed away.

When they finally got over, Sang Lao's first reaction was to pull Huo Yizhen and his 18th generation ancestors out and scold them. It seemed like his granddaughter had been swollen, but his father didn't have the slightest sense of responsibility to abandon him. Up to them in general.

In the end, it was Elder Huo who came out in person to preserve the reputation of the Huo family's ancestors and ancestors.

But after this incident, the two elderly people did not dare to mention anything that caused Qi Anran to return to the laboratory. After all, no matter how big things were, this would not be as important as Qi Anran and the child in her stomach.

There is no need to go to the company or the laboratory, Qi Anran has a lot of leisure, but she still needs to make her own decisions on many things.

But as her belly gets bigger and bigger, many things are also inconvenient.

Because of this, Mr. Huo would tell his loyal uncle like that.

When it comes to this time, Old Man Huo always regrets. If he is not too old and Ye Zhaoyang is too young, there is no one in the family who can really help. Why is Qi Anran so hard?

Knowing the painstaking efforts of Old Man Huo, Uncle Zhong naturally promised: "I will keep your instructions in my heart. In the next few months, I will help Mrs. Young to deal with the family affairs, and try not to let anything affect it. The child in the belly of the madam and the young lady, let the child be born peacefully."

"I hope so. If this child can be born safely, I will have an explanation to Azhen and Azhen's parents." Elder Huo couldn't help sighing again, "If Azhen is still there. Just fine, An Ran won't be so tired, and A Zhen can also see his children with his own eyes."

Uncle Zhong opened his mouth to comfort him, but he also knew that Elder Huo didn't need his own comfort now, and he didn't want him to show a trace of sympathy at this time.

However, what these two elders didn't know was that the people who thought about them were still there, and they had been secretly paying attention to Qi Anran and the child in her stomach.

"General, these are all the data from the maternity checkup of my sister-in-law who went to the hospital two days ago. The children and adults are very healthy, so don't worry too much." Ji Shengnan just got the data back and was snatched by Huo Yizhen.

The baby is getting older, and there are more and more obstetric checkups. The information that Ji Shengnan retrieves has a certain thickness, and there are many complicated proper nouns on this stack of information, and most of Huo Yizhen can't understand it.

But he still carefully looked at every word in the document, every inspection content, and inspection results one by one.

In the end, his gaze was fixed on the small ball on the black and white image.

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