Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1197: There are accomplices?

In the past six months, I was able to do some detailed examinations to see whether the child is healthy and whether the limbs are in good condition.

The list in Huo Yizhen’s hand contains a black and white drawing, and there is a black ball on the paper. I really can’t see anything at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that the black ball is faintly inside. I can see the limbs of a small life and the basic figure.

Huo Yizhen's mood at this moment is unspeakably surging and excited.

In the past few months, he has never been so sure at this moment. This is a small life, a small life that belongs to him and Qi Anran.

"This child is really good-looking, his face is like me, his facial features are like his mother, and he will definitely be a well-behaved and beautiful child when he grows up."

Rao is always as calm as Ji Shengnan, and he doesn't know how to respond to the boss who has completely become a silly dad.

With all due respect, even a newborn baby, many of them don't look like their parents, let alone the dark mass.

Although he could barely see the facial features, he really couldn't tell who this little guy looked like!

Ji Shengnan's mouth twitched slightly, even though there were countless grooves in his heart that wanted to vomit, he still held it back and did not argue with Huo Yizhen.

Otherwise, Huo Yizhen suddenly said: "You have never been a father, don't understand", and he will be embarrassed.

Ji Shengnan, who had finally done a good job in psychological construction, decided to change the subject.

"The baby in my sister-in-law's belly is almost six months old, and her belly is already relatively obvious now, so my sister-in-law hasn't gone out much recently."

Huo Yizhen was really attracted when he heard Ji Shengnan's words. He squinted his eyes and said: "It's very messy outside now. It's good for her to stay at home. It's safe."

Immediately after thinking of something, he frowned and said, "Apart from you and me, has anyone seen these things?"

When Ji Shengnan heard Huo Yizhen’s words, he knew what he was worried about, and hurriedly said, “No, these things were brought back by Nini. She personally accompanied her sister-in-law to the checkup. She brought the things back by herself, and she didn’t pass by on the way. Anyone’s hands. And I heard that Nini said that the hospital where her sister-in-law was examined is Jinheng’s property. Prior to this, Master Xi promised to An Ran that she would never leak this matter out, and want to come for a while. No one should know about this yet."

"That's good."

Qi Anran's concerns are very clear to them, and it is precisely because of their clarity that they even more agree with her withdrawal at this moment.

In the current situation, it is obviously the best choice to avoid the edge and avoid the edge.

Of course, these things cannot be left alone. Huo Yizhen keeps everything in mind, waiting for the opportunity in the future, and then recovering from them one by one.

Huo Yizhen's eyes dimmed slightly, and he turned to another matter: "Have you checked the communication number given to you a few days ago?"

When Ji Shengnan heard the words, his face was whole, and he solemnly said: "After checking it, it seems that it is an internal member of us, but the details have yet to be verified."

Huo Yizhen narrowed his eyes dangerously, and his tone was full of coldness: "In other words, are there other accomplices in our legion?"

Ji Shengnan nodded solemnly.

The ridicule in Huo Yizhen's eyes became more and more profound: "You really can count on me, and we can count on our Ninth Army!"

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