Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1227: Want all her information

"This woman..." Jin Hongmiao's eyes suddenly shrank when he looked at the picture of Qi Anran that he wanted to pass along with the announcement.

Group Leader Jin, who has always been expressionless or holding a false smile in front of his subordinates, in order to keep calm and establish majesty to the utmost extent, changed his face rare after seeing Qi Anran's photos.

Director Li, who brought these documents, saw Jin Hongmiao's reaction and was startled. After reacting, he carefully asked: "Group Leader Jin, what's wrong with this woman?"

"Is this woman really Huo Yizhen's wife?"

Director Li couldn't figure out Jin Hongmiao's thoughts, and thought about it: "Yes...Yes. This is all noticed, there should be no mistakes."

"Where's her information? Have you checked it?"

Director Li saw the eagerness in Jin Hongmiao's eyes, and subconsciously shrank his neck, and asked in a low voice, "Wh...what information?"

Jin Hongmiao's face became dark, and his tone became cold: "This person's background, personal information, and what he is doing now, is it really pregnant? You dare to check these most basic information. Sending it to me, is there too little in the laboratory recently, making your brains rusty and unable to turn?"

Director Li was unpreparedly scolded by Jin Hongmiao's head and covered his face. The whole person was stunned. His face was blue and white, and white and blue. It took a long time before he uttered a word: "I..."

As soon as he spoke, Jin Hongmiao severely interrupted him again: "What am I? Why don't you check it out!"

Director Li was guilty of being yelled at, and nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, I will go right now."

Director Li left as if he had fled, leaving Jin Hongmiao standing there, looking at the photo on the table, surprised.

Xu was really frightened by Jin Hongmiao's violent rage. Director Li moved very fast, but in a few hours, Director Li brought back all the information on Qi Anran's face.

"It says that this woman is a child adopted by a small family named Qi in S City. After this woman met Huo Yizhen, she also fought an inheritance lawsuit with her adoptive parents and asked for her birth mother's inheritance. What about her biological mother? Who is it?"

Director Li greeted Jin Hongmiao's stern gaze, silently wiped the cold sweat on his head, and said in embarrassment: "The two sides are both secretive and have not mentioned it. The court is under the control of the parliament. It will be impossible to check for a while. come out."

"It's useless!" As soon as Director Li's voice fell, Jin Hongmiao couldn't help but yelled out, and Director Li shivered with fright.

Jin Hongmiao didn't bother to look at his cowardly appearance, and continued to look down. When he saw the following paragraphs about the relationship between Qi Anran and Huo Yizhen, his eyebrows were slightly twisted: "Huo Yizhen's mother is the same as her mother. I knew each other, so Huo Yizhen would be with her and take her back to the imperial capital?"

Director Li thought that Jin Hongmiao was talking to him, and hurriedly agreed: "Yes, I heard that this is true. Then everyone would think that this woman is not worthy of Huo Yizhen, because she was not only without a family background, She was still dressed up and ugly, and could not recognize her as she is now. Therefore, everyone thought that Huo Yizhen agreed to marry her because of his mother's last words. Now it seems that it is just like this. What last words, I'm afraid at that time He has already discovered that this girl is beautiful, and he has become lustful."

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