Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1228: Can't think of the second possibility

Those who are engaged in technology like them mostly have the impression of simple minds and well-developed limbs, with a faint sense of superiority and contempt.

This can be seen from Xi Jinheng's consistent attitude towards Su Haochen.

It's just that Xi Jinheng's ridicule to Su Haochen is more of a ridicule of his brothers and enemies, and each other, but Director Li is truly above the top.

Therefore, when he mentioned Huo Yizhen, he didn't show much respect, but instead carried a spite of gloating malice.

Jin Hongmiao thinks a lot more than he did. Hearing what Director Li said, the first thing he thought of was that if Qi Anran was really the daughter of that woman, what Director Li said was also If it is true, did that woman actually have contact with Huo's mistress back then?

Will the part of the things stolen by the research institute have something to do with the Huo family? Is it in the hands of this girl or someone from the Huo family?

Thinking about this, the expression on Jin Hongmiao's face became more and more stern, and Director Li's heart trembled a few times, for fear that he would be unhappy and scolded himself again.

Fortunately, Jin Hongmiao didn't have any mood to talk with him this time. He nodded at him perfunctorily and told him to leave.

Immediately afterwards, he took these materials and ran to the dean of the research institute.

Zhai Jungao was making a phone call in the office. He subconsciously covered the phone when he heard the knock on the door, and asked loudly, "Who?"

"It's me." Jin Hongmiao's voice sounded from outside the door, which also made Zhai Jungao's expression relaxed: "Come in."

Zhai Jungao said to Jin Hongmiao outside the door, and lowered his voice to the phone on his hand: "I have something to talk about later. Okay, that's it."

As soon as Jin Hongmiao pushed open the office door to enter, he saw Zhai Jun hung up the phone, looked up at himself with a faint smile, and asked in a low voice, "Hongmiao, why are you here? What's the matter?"

"Dean, I found one thing, I think you should also be interested in it, so I came over to discuss it with you."

Zhai Jun raised his eyebrows slightly: "What's the matter?"

"Look at this." Jin Hongmiao handed the documents he got from Director Li to Zhai Jungao.

At first, Zhai Jungao still had a smile on his face. After he saw the picture on the profile, his face suddenly changed: "This person is..."

"Huo Yizhen's wife, now the head mother of the Huo family."

"Huo Yizhen's wife?" Zhai Jungao's expression changed when he heard Jin Hongmiao say this. "She is Huo Yizhen's wife. How old is she this year?"

"It is said that it is less than twenty."

"Under twenty, which means she is not that woman, but this face..."

"Have you ever thought that this girl might belong to that woman..."

Zhai Jun looked up at him quickly: "Are you suspecting that this girl is the offspring of a relative who has a relationship with that woman? Is it just such a face? But Hong Miao, you should know that there are many people in this world who look alike, not everyone. All are related by blood."

"Of course not." Jin Hongmiao shook his head and pulled out a piece of information under the file. "Her face is just the first step to get my attention, mainly this. Her brain, her IQ, her The talent in certain things reminds me of that woman unconsciously. Such a face coupled with such a similar talent makes me really unable to think of a second possibility besides genetics."

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