Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1234: Can you be a godfather?

It has only been a few months since Huo Yizhen's sacrifice. Although many people care about President Bai and the military leaders who protect the Huo family and dare not act rashly, they still pay close attention to the Huo family.

When this incident came out, it was only exposed inside the school at the beginning. After a short while, someone spread the incident, and then the phone calls from outside to spy on the truth and reality came to Huo's house one by one.

In just two or three days, the phone of Huo’s family was almost blown up, or he asked directly, or cared about Qi Anran and Huo in a circuitous and hypocritical manner, and then knocked on the side push, trying to clarify Qi Anran. Is it really pregnant with Huo Yizhen's child?

Of course there are people who really care about Qi Anran and the children in her stomach, but compared to these people, it can be said that there are very few people.

The Ninth Army didn't know about this matter except Ji Shengnan. As soon as it burst out, he jumped down and rushed to Huo's house while the military was free, and confirmed it personally.

As a result, as soon as several people were put into the house by Uncle Li, they saw Qi Anran's big belly that could not be covered at all.

Su Haochen's eyes widened suddenly, as if he saw something terrifying, and he couldn't even put it at all: "This, this...sister-in-law, you are really pregnant! did you get pregnant? Say that the belly is so big when you are pregnant?"

Qi Anran almost laughed angrily at what he said. What is meant by just saying that she was pregnant, her belly is so big, she said it as if her belly is a ball, and she blown it like this all night.

When Xi Jinheng heard the words, he gave him a particularly disgusting glance: "Are you stupid? My sister-in-law is so big, and she must have been pregnant for many months. Do you think that giving birth to a baby is a balloon. You can have a baby today? "

Su Haochen was also aware of his stupidity by Xi Jinheng, so he touched his nose and smiled awkwardly: "Isn't this the first time I saw a person's belly? Sister-in-law, your belly looks so big. It's been a few months. When is the baby born? Can I be a godfather for him?"

Qi Anran looked at Su Haochen's eager look, and couldn't help but laughed: "It's been seven months, and the due date is the end of next month or the beginning of next month."

"Seven months, that's not..." Su Haochen calculated the time and found that they should have been pregnant not long before they went to the battlefield.

But after thinking about it, Huo Yizhen has passed away. If it wasn't for that time, when would it be?

Thinking of Qi Anran's pregnancy is such a pleasant thing, the child's father didn't even know it until he died, and after the child was born, there is no father yet.

Su Haochen's nose couldn't help but feel sore, and tears flashed in his eyes.

Qi Anran was startled, crying and laughing: "Even if I didn't promise you to be a godfather, you don't have to be so sad. I'm afraid of you. When the child is born, let him recognize you as a godfather, right? "

Of course, everyone present would not think that Su Haochen was sad because he could not be a child’s godfather, but no one would go after the wounds of others, so he followed Qi Anran’s words and said, stepping forward and patted. Su Haochen ridiculed: "Okay, okay, I'm all grown up, and crying because of this kind of thing, when my sister-in-law's baby comes out, knowing that my godfather is such a crying bag, how can I despise you in my heart? !"

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