Su Haochen curled his lips, and hurriedly recovered his tears, and snorted coldly, "What nonsense are you talking about? Don't discredit me in front of my future godson and daughter. I am happy, happy! I cry with joy, don't you understand?"

"Puff...understand and understand, you just can't help it when your emotions are coming. It's not like crying, we all understand."

Su Haochen was overwhelmed by Xi Jinheng's yin and yang tone, but at the end he was worried about the child in Qi Anran's stomach, worried that his quarrel with Xi Jinheng would damage the child.

He didn’t just quarrel with Xi Jinheng as usual, and snorted annoyedly, before turning his attention to Qi Anran again, complaining: “It’s been seven months now. Sister-in-law, you must be early. I knew it, I didn't even tell us!"

Qi Anran looked at Su Haochen's appearance that was filled with indignation because he didn't know it earlier, and laughed: "I didn't mean to tell you, but I think it's better to wait for the child to give birth to this kind of thing. This can also be done. Are you a surprise?"

That's right, but the people present are not fools. Naturally, they know what Qi Anran's sentence is better when the child is born safely.

Qi Anran looked at the expressions of several people in his eyes, turned his eyes slightly, and jokingly said: "Moreover, it's not that no one in your army knows about this."

"Huh?" As soon as Qi Anran said this, all the people present were taken aback, looking at each other at a loss.

After a while, Xi Jinheng seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly turned his head to look at Ji Shengnan: "It's you."

Su Haochen was at a loss at first. When he reacted, his face changed slightly, and he immediately rushed towards Ji Shengnan, strangling his throat from behind him, and said angrily: "Shengnan, you guys knew that his sister-in-law was pregnant. Isn't it? I should have thought that your girlfriend and sister-in-law have such a good relationship, how could you not know such an important thing? You bastard, you know it and don't tell us, it's too loyal."

When Ji Shengnan heard Qi Anran's words, he secretly said that he was not good. As expected, in order to distract these people, Qi Anran sold him directly.

This is miserable. Ji Shengnan rescued herself from the neck of Su Haochen's hands, and smiled bitterly: "Do you think I want to hide it from you? It's not that my sister-in-law doesn't want too many people to know about this. I'll forget it, you guys. I learned this from someone else's mouth, which shows that my mouth is quite reliable. You are different. I will tell you this thing today, but tomorrow, we may know the entire legion. Our legion’s. People know it, maybe everyone outside knows it, so what kind of confidentiality is it?"

"This..." Su Haochen was so self-aware at this meeting, knowing that if Qi Anran told them this matter from the beginning, even if he told him to keep it secret, he was afraid that he would not be able to control this mouth.

The action of his subordinates paused, and Ji Shengnan broke free from his restraint and escaped like a loach.

Su Haochen snorted when he saw it, but didn't rush to entangle Ji Shengnan again, turned his face away, and became very childish and awkward.

Obviously he also knew that Ji Shengnan's words were reasonable, but he was still a bit uncomfortable on the face, and he was not very comfortable in his heart. It took a while to give up.

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