Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1239: Suffocating bleeding

Huo Yizhen's brain-disabled supporters are inherently biased towards Qi Anran.

Qi Anran's birth, appearance and own abilities were their favorite spots before. As soon as the top students of Qi Anran Imperial Capital University and their true appearances were exposed, they choked and lost the point of attack.

Now, someone spontaneously provides a ready-made reason, not just like handing a pillow to him when he is dozing off.

This group of people just as if they were beaten up, they would not give up if they didn't beat Qi Anran and Bai Ruqing as a **** or adulterous wife.

This incident was unexpected for everyone. By the time they reacted, all kinds of rumors had already made a lot of noise, and some more radical people even went to the relevant departments to report and complain and vent their dissatisfaction. I also hope that the relevant departments can thoroughly investigate this matter and not shield the sinners of the empire.

It was quite righteous, but the tone of his words clearly confirmed that the rumors were true.

If the relevant department finds it, there is nothing to say, if it fails to find it, it is covering Bai Ruqing.

From the very beginning, I have brought subjective assumptions. How fair is it to talk about it?

Humans were originally extremely fickle animals. Those who distressed Qi Anran's misfortune two days ago were scolded harder than anyone else two days later.

Qi Anran's stomach is getting heavier and heavier in recent times, and his rest is not very good, so he doesn't pay much attention to outside affairs.

Elder Huo and others were worried that she saw these things affect her mood, so they deliberately concealed it.

Just hiding it from Guigui, Elder Huo's anger in his heart is no less than that of anyone.

His grandson died on the battlefield for these people, and his granddaughter-in-law gave birth to their Huo family a child in peace. She was pregnant so hard for fear that someone outside would know it and hurt the child.

In the end, those who had been protected by his grandsons turned insults and cursed his granddaughter-in-law and future great-grandson one by one, wishing to force their family to death.

Elder Huo was angry and chilling in his heart, but this would not be easy to show, which made Qi Anran sad, and he was really about to suffocate his internal injuries.

At the same time, there is another person who is about to suffocate internal injuries, and that is Huo Yizhen, who will change his appearance and cannot easily reveal his name and identity!

"These people..." Huo Yizhen gritted his teeth and watched the unbearable words cursing Qi Anran on the Internet, as well as the video of the brain-disabled people rushing to the relevant departments to be fair, and his eyes were full of hostility, and he could not wait to climb in. Those people were torn up on the spot in the video.

Huo Yizhen took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. At the same time, he turned his head to look at Ji Shengnan, and asked coldly: "Did you find it?"

"I've been investigating, spreading rumors on such a large scale is a bit cumbersome and not so fast. But we waited so long and finally waited for their next step. This time, we won't let them escape so easily."

"oh, I understand now."

Ji Shengnan knew that Huo Yizhen would feel very uncomfortable in his heart, so he pushed himself and others, if it was Ran Jiani that happened to him, he would be so angry that he would ran out and beat others.

Huo Yizhen's temper is even more fierce than him, and he regards Qi Anran so importantly, how can he watch all this indifferently?

But unfortunately, before this meeting was time for him to reveal his identity, he was afraid that he was about to suffocate bleeding.

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