Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1240: Dynasty Turmoil

Ji Shengnan sighed secretly, and without a trace, brought the topic to the treacherous tricks hidden after the riots.

"This time, their target is probably Princess Enya and Senator Bai."

Huo Yizhen gritted his teeth and forced himself to avert his attention from those unsightly remarks, and said coldly: "Their main purpose should be to provoke the relationship between the two countries. Bai Ruqing and Princess Enya form an alliance between the two countries. Symbol, as long as the image of the two of them is destroyed, the appearance of harmony between the two countries will also collapse for the most part. What happened to the dynasty?"

"It is said that the soldiers of Princess Enya's uncle and Lord Duke have gone deep into the imperial palace half a month ago and put all the king and queen under house arrest. The authority of the imperial dynasty is slowly shifting downward."

Huo Yizhen's eyes flickered, but he was not too surprised, as if he had expected such a result a long time ago.

It's just that, compared to the scheming queen and the straw king of the dynasty, he is more concerned about...

"Where is the prince of the dynasty?"

"I heard that when the turmoil just started... he was killed."

"What about the remaining prince and the fifth princess?"

"The third prince of the dynasty is an out-and-out dude like the fifth princess. His eyes are higher than the top, and he is female sex. It is said that half a year ago because of...cough cough..."

Huo Yizhen heard Ji Shengnan's embarrassment, but was even more curious about what happened to the third prince of the dynasty. He raised his eyebrows and said, "What?"

"Because I fell in love with a very beautiful girl and wanted to take someone home and become a lover, and as a result..."


"That girl seems to be the champion of the martial arts competition in the youth group of the Dynasty, kicked him...cannot take care of herself. Now she is still in bed training, maybe this will be the same for the rest of her life."

Huo Yizhen: "..." What else can I say?

"As for the five princesses, after being returned by the empire, it is said that they had a vengeance once, saying that they would come to the empire to find Bai Ruqing and you and your sister-in-law to get revenge."

"Just her, she came to us for revenge. Bai Ruqing was able to send her back to give her face. If it was me, it was impossible to send her back intact like that."

Upon hearing Huo Yizhen's words, Ji Shengnan recalled all the strange things that the woman had done in the empire, and couldn't help but sneer at the corners of her lips.

"At that time, the dynasty was already very busy, and the queen and the king had no time to bother with her unreasonable troubles, but the five princesses were too savage and willful. Seeing that the king and the queen ignored her, she started all kinds of deaths. Finally, finally Annoyed the king and was forced to marry the son of an earl of the dynasty."

Huo Yizhen was a little surprised: "Can the earl's son marry the princess?"

The aristocratic hierarchy of the dynasty is very strict. Although the rank of the earl is not low, it is not particularly high. The earl himself is enough to marry the princess, let alone the earl’s son.

It can be said that the earl’s family is climbing high, but for a woman like that princess Kya, such high climbing is probably not what everyone wants.

"That's why I said that he was annoyed by the king and was forced to marry. Moreover, the son of the earl is not a simple character, he is a famous **** in the dynasty. It is said that after the two got married, although he did not dare to be so blatant. Outside there was a lot of fun, but they also secretly raised several gentle and lovable little lovers. For this reason, the two often fought."

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