Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1247: "Intimate Photo" Exposure

Several people didn't expect Qi Anran to be so easy to fool. Hearing her words, they were stiff again, staring at each other, at a loss.

In the end, Elder Huo reacted first and coughed lightly: "An Ran, you think too much. This is what they just said. Now that you have discovered them, it's better to just think about it. Speak it out. Otherwise, surprises or something, it won't be good for them to become frights at that time."

Elder Huo tried his best to round out this lie, and other people naturally hurriedly helped to agree: "Yes, yes, that's what we just said. Sister-in-law, your birthday today, we big guys are very happy, don't you just want to make a surprise Here you are. But we have just discussed that you are pregnant now, and your emotional ups and downs should not be too great. Therefore, in order to avoid self-defeating, we actually just planned to tell you this matter in advance, not only after you discovered it. Said."

Qi Anran listened to the singing of several people, not only did not dispel suspicion, on the contrary, he was even more sure that this group of people was hiding something from him.

Qi Anran's gaze swept over the people present, and it was rare to have such a little frustration. What everyone knew, was she hiding things from her?

"What are you hiding from me? Now that I might not be so angry, I will call other people later and ask myself, I'm afraid I will really be angry."

"This..." The few people glanced at each other, knowing that Qi Anran was not easy to fool. Even if they concealed it, she would definitely go to verify it by herself. Then she would still know, and even annoy them for not confessing because of knowing.

After hesitating for a moment, after all, Elder Huo stepped forward and briefly told Qi Anran the whole story.

Qi Anran didn't expect such a big thing to happen after a few days without paying attention, and he didn't expect that he originally disclosed his relationship with Huo Yizhen because he didn't want the stigma of the Huo family, Huo Yizhen, and the children on his back.

In the end, it made them even more embarrassed because of themselves.

After listening to Qi Anran, his head was a little confused, and it took a while before he said something: "Which one of you has a photo, take it out and let me have a look."

Ran Jiani glanced at Qi Anran cautiously, and asked in a low voice: "Photos? An Ran, do you mean those photos that were exposed?"


Several people glanced at each other, then glanced at Old Man Huo in unison.

Elder Huo sighed: "Let her show it. However, you have to promise Grandpa, no matter what you see, don't be too angry, it's not worth it. Besides, if you are still pregnant with a child, you can't be too excited. You just need to remember One point, no matter what happens, Grandpa is here and they are also there. We will protect you, support you, and trust you. Those who don’t matter, there is no need to bother."

Qi Anran knew that the old man was worried that he would become emotionally fetal after seeing those things and hurt the child in his stomach.

But this time, Mr. Huo was really unreasonable. Qi Anran was not angry when he heard them talk about the whole thing, let alone look at these out-of-context photos.

Qi Anran took the mobile phone handed over by Ji Shengnan, and did not turn over the messages under the report, but focused entirely on the so-called revelations and photos.

"These photos..." Qi Anran quickly browsed the "intimate photos" with Ji Shengnan and others, and finally, unsurprisingly, stopped his eyes on the photos of her and Bai Ruqing.

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