Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1248: Someone cut off

Hearing Qi Anran's question, several people looked at her hand subconsciously. When they saw the photos, their expressions were a little bit subtle.

"Sister-in-law, is the person in this photo really you? You and Bai Ruqing..." Before Su Haochen finished speaking, Xi Jinheng was tossed him.

Only then did Su Haochen realized the tone of his speech, how it sounded like he was questioning whether Qi Anran and Bai Ruqing had an adulterous affair.

"Sister-in-law, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean you and him..."

Before Su Haochen finished speaking, Qi Anran had already replied: "It's me."


"I said the person in this photo is indeed me."

Su Haochen's words came to an abrupt end, and all the people present stared at her in disbelief because of her words.

Qi Anran saw them, but he curled his lips and smiled lightly: "What? Do you think you can tell what Bai Ruqing has between me and Bai Ruqing from these photos?"

A few people woke up like a dream, and hurriedly waved their hands and said, "No, no, no, we all know what you are, sister-in-law, you love our boss so much, you will definitely not have anything to do with Mr Bai."

Qi Anran looked at the anxious explanations of several people, and couldn't bear to tease them any more, and sighed softly: "These photos should have been taken when I and A Zhen were attending the wedding banquet of Princess Bai Ruqing and Enya. I was indeed the one at the time. There was a small conflict with Bai Ruqing. However, judging from the location and background of these photos and the expressions of the dispute between us at that time, A Zhen should be there."

Obviously it was a scene where three people appeared together, but deliberately only cut out the part of the two people. You can imagine the sinister intentions of the person who exposed the photos.

Su Haochen and the others were a little surprised after hearing Qi Anran's explanation, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they reacted with joy.

Since Huo Yizhen was there at the time, it must be impossible for anything to happen.

"Let me just say it, my sister-in-law is not blind, how could it be possible that we don't want to leave our boss, and be ambiguous with Bai Ruqing's smiling fox?"

Su Haochen's words were filled with righteous indignation, but Qi Anran still noticed their relieved expressions after hearing his own explanation.

Even if they keep saying that they believe in themselves, they will still be unable to control their doubts in front of these pictures that don't seem to have many flaws.

They are so, let alone others.

The difference or just that she explained Su Haochen and others would believe it without hesitation, and others would not believe a word even if she said more.

Fortunately, Qi Anran's inner sorrow only stayed for a few seconds, and once again brought his attention back to those photos.

These photos were taken secretly on the day that Bai Ruqing and Princess Enya got married last year. Not to mention the long time, the person who took the photo is really not ordinary.

It was said that Qi Anran was near the yard at that time, and Qi Anran was very sure that there should be no one else except the three of them. How was this photo taken and how was it edited to look like this?

No...No, there was still a person in the courtyard at the time, and that person was...Princess Enya!

Qi Anran wasn't sure how much Princess Enya saw at the time, but judging from what she said to herself at that time, she must have been watching for a while. Could it be that she secretly photographed it?

But what did she do with this? Could it be that the relationship between her and Bai Ruqing is really bad to this point?

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