After Su Haochen complained about Bai Ruqing's shortcomings, he was still not addicted. He curled his lips and continued to denounce: "This person who spreads the rumors is too much. He actually cut the photos of all three people into two people. This is expected. The boss is no longer there. Is there no way to come out and testify against him?"

"Haochen!" As soon as Su Haochen said this, Ji Shengnan yelled at him sternly.

Su Haochen realized what he had said, and hurriedly covered his mouth, looking at Qi Anran timidly.

Since Huo Yizhen's sacrifice, in order not to poke Qi Anran's wounds, they will deliberately avoid the death of Huo Yizhen, they can't think of...

Qi Anran was still thinking about Princess Enya, and didn't notice what he said.

Those empty eyes fell in the eyes of a few people, but she was stabbed when she heard Su Haochen's words just now.

For a time, countless eye knives swish to Su Haochen's body, wishing to pierce him into a hedgehog on the spot.

Su Haochen immediately lowered his head like Ke Yan's cabbage, as if he was confessing to the extreme.

Ji Shengnan sighed when he saw him like this, and took the initiative to comfort him: "Sister-in-law, don't be angry. You also know Hao Chen's mouth. You like nonsense. Don't take it seriously. You really want to be angry. Just beat him up. He has a thick skin and is very resistant."

Anti-beating young expert Su Haochen: "..."

When Qi Anran heard his words, he woke up like a dream. After a while, he realized what the others were saying, and smiled and said, "I'm not angry, and I didn't take it to heart. I was just thinking about how this photo was taken. Why did it come out at this time? Don’t say anything else, just the picture of Bai Ruqing and I. It’s almost a year to say it. It only broke out at this time. It’s obviously a premeditated plan. Few people see me and our Huo family are not pleasing to the eye, changing the law and wanting to kill us!"

As soon as Qi Anran said this, the faces of several people were a little ugly, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that the people behind the mess were directed at Qi Anran, Bai Ruqing and Princess Enya.

All kinds of speech will fly all over the sky, all mixed together, it is really unclear who is the one that is affected.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, we will protect you." Su Haochen glanced at Qi Anran and then at his "godson" in Qi Anran's belly. He felt proud and patted his chest with a serious promise.

Qi Anran was amused by him, and nodded and said: "I know, for your godson's future to like you more, you have to behave well."

Su Haochen immediately stood at attention, and gave a decent military salute: "Yes, I promise to complete the task!"

After Su Haochen's trouble, the atmosphere in the house was a little more relaxed than before.

Several people temporarily left the previous things behind, and after a simple meal with Qi Anran and Huo, they all went back first when they found that Qi Anran was tired and his complexion was not so good.

As soon as the few people left, the house was suddenly deserted a lot.

Qi Anran felt a headache a little bit, thinking about going back to the room alone to take a good rest.

After her belly got bigger and bigger, Ye Zhaoyang didn't let her do it by himself.

Fortunately, Aunt Li is a meticulous and gentle person, and Qi Anran is not too worried with her taking care of Ye Zhaoyang.

Elder Huo looked at Qi Anran's back upstairs, with a trace of worry in his heart for no reason.

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