Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1258: I am not interested in this

Qi Anran heard Jin Hongmiao's words, but there was a sharp look in his eyes.

Not without sarcasm, thinking of her relatives? What other relatives can she have? It is nothing more than some people in S City who claim to be her relatives but have never done what their relatives should do.

However, Qi Anran would not be so stupid to believe that people in the research institute would personally confirm with Qi's family.

It's just that it doesn't matter if you don't confirm it. They sealed Qi Yaoqin's information back then. The reason why they didn't notice her was because they didn't expect her mother to have a daughter like her at the time.

Now, with her face, these people have also become suspicious, and it is easy to check again.

Qi Anran knew that Jin Hongmiao came here prepared, the tail of his eyes raised slightly, but he didn't continue to wrestle with him, and said directly: "Mr. Jin just said that you are a colleague and friend of my mother's life, but what am I doing to you? I have no impression at all, and before that, I never seemed to hear my mother talk about you?"

Jin Hongmiao's expression froze, and he said in embarrassment, "When your mother passed away, you were still young. How many things you can remember, you must have just forgotten it."

"Oh? Really? Then why have I never seen you all these years?"

"Because I didn't know that your mother had a daughter like you before this. If I had known this matter, I would have visited you a long time ago. How could it be delayed until now?"

The expression on Jin Hongmiao's face is very sincere, but unfortunately, Qi Anran, who is already mentally prepared, can be blinded by a few words?

Qi Anran leaned on his waist and walked slowly to Elder Huo's side, and Elder Huo hurriedly helped her when he saw it.

Putting her on the sofa and sitting down, she just sat next to Qi Anran, watching the farce silently.

Qi Anran didn't directly say whether he believed it or not, but only faintly replied to Jin Hongmiao: "Since Mr. Jin is a good friend of my mother's life, he should know who my biological father is?"

As soon as Qi Anran said this, everyone present was taken aback.

Jin Hongmiao's face was a little bit of astonishment, the girl's biological father, Qi Yaoqin's concubine?

How could he know someone who doesn't have this information? Jin Hongmiao recalled the description of Qi Anran's biological father by Qi Anran's adoptive parents in the information, which seemed to be... never seen before!

Qi Yaoqin didn't say that she was pregnant when she was unmarried, and after she was pregnant and gave birth to a child, she never mentioned this person. Qi Anran probably didn't know who her biological father was.

That being the case... Jin Hongmiao suddenly had a bold idea in his heart. He raised his head to look at Qi Anran and smiled slightly: "Of course I knew it. Your mother told me before her death."

The old man Huo, who had been sitting on the side without speaking, finally changed his face when he heard Jin Hongmiao's words, and turned his head to look at Qi Anran subconsciously.

However, Qi Anran looked as usual, with a pair of eyes looking at Jin Hongmiao quietly, without speaking.

Jin Hongmiao turned around and tried his best to make her words sound more sincere and credible: "However, after Yaoqin told me at the time, she said that she didn't want others to know about this matter, so I asked me to keep it secret for her. Although she has already Passed away for a long time, but promise is promise. If I tell you now, it will inevitably be a little..."

Qi Anran interrupted his performance indifferently, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm not particularly interested in this."

Jin Hongmiao: "..." Then you suddenly asked what this did? Are you kidding me?

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