Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1259: Older or younger?

Jin Hongmiao resisted the urge to explode and almost didn't hurt himself.

Qi Anran choked him successfully, curled the corners of his lips, and continued with a smile: "I am not interested in who he is at all, but I am quite interested in something. Can Mr. Jin help me out? "

Jin Hongmiao suppressed the anger in his heart and smiled reluctantly, "You said it."

"Is my biological father older than my mother? Or younger?"


Qi Anran saw Jin Hongmiao’s momentary awkwardness and embarrassment, and the smile on his face became more charming: “What? Didn’t Mr. Jin just say that he knew who my biological father was? In that case, you should know that he is better than him. Is my mother older or younger? My mother’s promise with you back then was not to reveal the true identity of my biological father to others. Strictly speaking, it should not include the age, right?"

Jin Hongmiao is really hard to ride a tiger this time. After considering it for a moment, he whispered: "You are young, he is younger than your mother."

Qi Anran laughed and jokingly said: "This is strange. I remember my mother told me before that she doesn't like men younger than her. Because she thinks men of the same age are much more naive than women. She already has I’m a child now, and I don’t want to bring another giant baby."

The expression on Jin Hongmiao's face froze suddenly, but he was not a fool, he soon thought of the excuses, and coughed softly, "Your mother was only like this because she was scammed by an immature man once. The idea of ​​being bitten by a snake for ten years is understandable."

"That's the case, so to speak, it was my biological father that really failed my mother back then, so my mother left him?"

"……You can say that."

Qi Anran nodded, and then looked at Jin Hongmiao with a smile, "Mr. Jin doesn't even know that my mother has a daughter like me, but he knows who my biological father is. It's really amazing."

Jin Hongmiao was stunned. Then he remembered that he had said that he didn't know Qi Anran's existence at all, but then he told people that he knew who her biological father was. Isn't it inconsistent?

Jin Hongmiao's face was distorted for a moment, and he even suspected that Qi Anran was teasing him deliberately, but when he thought of his purpose of coming here today, even if he knew that Qi Anran was teasing him, he had to endure it for the time being.

"Although I don't know your existence, I know that your mother once loved someone. Your mother may not have you if she loves him, but since you have you, it must be his. There is no contradiction."

Jin Hongmiao was very sincere and serious when he said this. If Qi Anran hadn’t known the urinary **** of the people in the institute, she would also be sure that her mother hadn’t even leaked half of the information about herself and her biological father. , It is even more impossible to tell this to a man who only has a colleague relationship with her.

These words of Jin Hongmiao couldn't make any ripples in her heart. On the contrary, they made her more sure that this person was not good, and that she must have tried so hard to get close to her.

"Mr. Jin said that also makes sense, so you came here today just to take a look at me? If that's the case, Mr. Jin has seen it now. I am pregnant and need more rest. If nothing else..."

When Jin Hongmiao heard that Qi Anran was planning to issue an eviction order, he hurriedly said: "I came here today to see how you are doing, and also to talk to you about your mother."

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