Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1281: Can't recognize who he is?

When the brothers holding those people heard Wang Yi's words, they were a little undecided, standing on the ground and staring at each other.

Su Haochen couldn't help but twisted their eyebrows, and wanted to say something, but Ji Shengnan said to the people first: "Do as he said."

The few people woke up like a dream, and hurriedly dragged the spies to go out. The few people who were so stupefied by someone's words finally recovered, and opened their mouths to shout: "You... You are……"

"Block his mouth." Ji Shengnan first insight into the person's intentions, directly shouted.

This time, the brothers moved much faster than before. They found something that could plug their mouths and stuffed them in, and then dragged them away at the fastest speed.

Ji Shengnan watched those people leave, and immediately turned around and asked the person in front of him: "Then now we..."

"How's the council?"

"The parliamentary election will start on time at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. The venue will be inside the House. However, a live broadcast will be launched, and the next speaker will be selected using the national network voting method." Ji Shengnan said and reminded in a low voice, " In addition, because of the various rumors of Senator Bai, this time, the parliament specifically allowed President Bai and Marshal Gu to observe. For this reason, the military department and the presidential palace on the parliament have also sent some people to help. Now it is very lively."

"Whether to observe or to have other plans, we know in our hearts. But it's fine, we saved a lot of trouble by being engaged in this way. Leave some people to look after those people, the final juncture is at the end, don't ask them to go out and break down. Our business."


Ji Shengnan and Wang Yi, or Huo Yizhen, who hadn't torn their faces, were there to discuss the follow-up matters on their own.

Su Haochen heard the cloud and mist, and he was still suffocated. He felt like he was excluded. He was angry and startled with some doubts. "Wait, what are you talking about?" Su Haochen looked at Ji Shengnan. Looking at Wang Yi again, I really don't understand when these two people became so good, especially since this Wang Yi was just accused of traitors by those people.

Su Haochen is still a little defensive at this meeting: "Sheng Nan, you and him... after all..."

Compared with Su Haochen's scratching of his ears and a bewildered face, Xi Jinheng was obviously much more calm, and more than he thought.

He not only noticed what those people called Wang Yi before, but also Ji Shengnan's respectful and subconscious closeness to this man. Before this situation, he only saw Ji Shengnan behave like this to one person, and that person logically said... ... has left them forever.

Thinking of this, the light in Xi Jinheng's eyes was a little dim, and because of the sudden thought in his heart, he was a little short of breath. His eyes were staring at the strange and familiar man in front of him, extremely hot.

When Ji Shengnan heard Su Haochen say this, she couldn't help but smile: "It's all this time, can't you guess who he is?"


"This shows that my acting these days is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it also shows that your alertness is not enough."

"Isn't it supposed to say that this guy is slower?" Ji Shengnan didn't say a word, but turned his head to look at Xi Jinheng. "Jin Heng, what do you think?"

Suddenly, Xi Jinheng was shocked by the name, and said in disbelief: "Sheng Nan, is he really... but, isn't he already... are you kidding me?"

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