Ji Shengnan glanced at him deeply, smiled and shook his head: "I never make a joke about this kind of thing."

Xi Jinheng's heart beat violently, and his heart was like a jar of vinegar that had been overturned, with mixed flavors, surprise, joy and anger.

But when he calmed down, all the tumbling emotions turned into joy, he knew... he knew that their boss wouldn't die so easily!

"You guy, you can hide it tightly. I really want to see what those people's expressions will look like again when they see... it's really exciting." Xi Jinheng said, staring at Huo Yizhen's face with a pair of eyes, wishing that Now he rushed over and touched it to see what kind of mystery was hidden on his face, so that he could completely copy one person's face to another person's body.

Huo Yizhen glanced at him faintly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raised slightly, but outsiders could only see him with a face that was still paralyzed and expressionless under the cover of the mask.

"If my face is exposed now, it will indeed scare many people, but if these people don't have ghosts in their hearts, how can they be scared by me?"

Xi Jinheng was startled, and the smile on her face became deeper and deeper: "Yes, if you are scared at first sight in your heart, you will definitely be happy afterwards. But after some people are scared Maybe I was scared to death. After all, a lot of things have happened in the past few months."

Several people talked and looked at each other and smiled, but Su Haochen stood on the side and became more and more at a loss, feeling as if he had been abandoned by people all over the world!

"I said, you don't want to be dumb in front of me, okay? Why does it seem that I am the only one being kept in the dark? You... it's too much."

When Xi Jinheng heard Su Haochen's words, he immediately cast a contemptuous look at him: "Your own IQ is low, and you still rely on us?"

"You, you, you, you are attacking me again, don't think I dare not beat you!"

"Hit me, come on, have the ability to greet my face. Simple mind, well-developed limbs."


"Okay, stop making trouble, tomorrow's parliamentary election, someone wants to make trouble."

Huo Yizhen's successful drink stopped Su Haochen's little heart for a few seconds. The familiar feeling of oppression made him instinctively choose to shrink to save his life, and then asked, "Someone wants to do something? Is it possible that the **** Bai Ruqing is preparing again. What are you doing?"

Huo Yizhen's fierce eyes swept away, and Su Haochen shrank back in fright, and then became a little unconvinced.

Why is he so afraid of this bastard? No matter how he said, he was also a member of the Ninth Army Corps. How could he barely guilty in this little figure hiding his head and showing his tail, it was really annoying.

The two of Ji Shengnan watched the change in his expression, glanced at each other without a trace, and shook their heads helplessly.

Huo Yizhen didn’t pay attention to the two brothers who obviously didn’t have a good brain for too long. Soon he closed his gaze back and said coldly, "No matter who made the moth, we will tonight. His mission is to unknowingly remove the spies and traitors from the periphery of the parliament who are ready to make trouble, and to ensure the normal conduct of the parliamentary election. The rest..." Huo Yizhen squinted dangerously when he said that his eyes faintly revealed something. Divided a terrifying chill.

"It's up to me to make an end to this farce."

Huo Yizhen and others rushed to the seat of the parliament overnight, so they missed the news from Qi Anran perfectly.

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