Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 181: General Huo's Aesthetics

Qi Anran was so irritated by the pink that the room was full of that he almost didn't poking his eyes at himself. It took him a long time to twitch his mouth and ask: "Uncle Li, did Grandpa ask you to prepare this room?"

"Yeah, the old marshal was happy when he called. I have been here for so many years and I saw him so happy for the first time. Mom and Dad who became a general..." Uncle Li realized that he was happy to say something He closed his mouth and hurriedly changed the subject, "The old marshal made a special call to let me clean up another room for you, saying that you and the general are not married yet, and it takes some time to adapt. When you get married, you will join the same room. Go to the room."

The corners of Qi Anran's lips twitched slightly, and he couldn't help being touched by the careful arrangements he made for him: "Grandpa has a heart."

It's just touched, touched, seeing the pink Qi Anran in this room still has a little stomachache.

"The layout of this Grandpa also ordered it?"

"Oh, no, it's the general."

Qi Anran: "..." I'll go, it turned out to be you! You a big man, do you want to be so girly? !

Qi Anran couldn't help but stared at the various pink furnishings in the house, and almost didn't come up in a breath, already regretting that he had promised someone a chance so simply.

With someone’s aesthetic, it feels like they will be finished sooner or later even if they are really together!

Li Shu saw her appearance but mistakenly thought that she knew that the layout of the room was ordered by Huo Yizhen himself. It was so pleasantly surprised. He smiled and said: "The general contacted me not long after the old marshal called and asked me to I will prepare a separate room for you, and I also specifically told you that you are young and the room should be arranged more vigorously."

Qi Anran: "..." So in your opinion, the expression of vigor is the pink of this room?

But fortunately, this aesthetic does not seem to belong to that person. Qi Anran sighed a little relieved: "Excuse me, if there is nothing wrong, I will go ahead and clean it up."

"Okay, then you should be able to eat after a short rest. Do you want to eat upstairs or go downstairs?"

"I'll go downstairs to eat in a while, and tell Aunt Li that I don't need to cook too much, just keep it simple. A Zhen shouldn't come back to eat at night."

"Okay." Uncle Li was about to leave as he said, but as if he had thought of something, he turned his head and smiled at Qi Anran. See if you like it or not. If you don't like it, I'll ask someone to send some more."

clothing? Qi Anran glanced at the closet next to the bed subconsciously, nodded and said, "Okay, I see."

After seeing Uncle Li away, Qi Anran was finally relieved, sitting in the pink room all over, Qi Anran felt that he needed to look at something else to wash his eyes.

Ever since, she took out the little Xue Tuan who had been obediently in the pet cage: "Xue Tuan, we have arrived at our new home."

Xue Tuan glanced around with Qi Anran in his arms, and didn't know whether it was in a strange environment or was really shocked by the pink color of this room, and with a scream, he fell into Qi Anran's arms.

"Puff, you don't like this color, don't you? But, this is a home, we may have to live in a home for a long time."

That's right, but when I looked up and saw the pile of pink, I couldn't help but pull the corner of my mouth, and gave up: "Sure enough, I should change the color."

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