Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 182: Old cow eating tender grass

After finding a cat cat stick out of the luggage to tease the cat for a while, Qi Anran put the little guy aside to eat cat food.

Taking advantage of this gap, Qi Anran went over and glanced at the new clothes that Huo Yizhen had entrusted him to buy before Li Shu left.

In view of the extreme distrust of Li Shu's aesthetics, Qi Anran had only one thought before opening the closet, shouldn't the clothes inside... be all pink, right?

Fortunately, the expected pink color did not appear after the wardrobe was opened. Instead, some color schemes that Qi Anran could accept were acceptable.

Qi Anran heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at the clothes in the closet intently.

This time the weather was at the time when the hot and cold was changing. The weather in the imperial capital was even more so. It was hot enough during the day and unbearably cold at night.

Therefore, the clothes in the wardrobe are available in winter and summer, such as sweaters and coats, skirts and T-shirts. They are all brand new, and the labels have not yet been taken off.

Qi Anran pondered for a moment, took out a few coats from the closet and tried them, and found that they all fit just right, his brows were slightly raised, as if thinking of something.

He took out his mobile phone and lay on the bed and sent a text message to Huo Yizhen: "I'm home. Uncle Li said that you asked him to prepare the new clothes in the closet. How do you know the size of my clothes?"

When Qi Anran sent this message, Huo Yizhen was talking with Lieutenant General An Chen and the Chief of Staff Jiang in the office.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a message popping out. Huo Yizhen originally didn't intend to pay attention to it, but after finding the sender's remarks, he squinted his eyes and secretly touched the phone under the table.

On the surface, he listened solemnly as Lieutenant General An Chen was playing officialdom there, but in fact he was groping for fish underneath.

"I have held you so many times, held your shoulders, wrapped your arms around your waist, and touched your head. How could it be unclear?"

Qi Anran looked at the line on the phone, his face was hot, and he sent an angry expression to the sky: "Old hooligan!"

Huo Yizhen looked at these three words, but his eyes sank, saying that he was a hooligan, which he admitted, but he would never admit it.

"Old? I'm only twenty-three."

"I'm only seventeen and eighteen in half a year. Are you not old?"

With a knowing blow, Huo Yizhen almost didn't vomit blood for three feet, so he seemed to be a bit...the old cow was eating tender grass.

"Ah, I'm a mature man. Mature men have a sense of security. Or do you think those little kids who don't have full hair can feel more secure than me?"

Qi Anran was amused by his words: "No, I only feel safe with myself."

Qi Anran thought that Huo Yizhen would reply as soon as before, but didn't want to wait for a long time without waiting for the next reply.

Thinking that Huo Yizhen would still be in the military department, he might still be busy, but he didn't care too much.

As Qi Anran expected, Huo Yizhen did not deliberately refuse to return her message, but just when she sent the message over, An Chen had already finished her initial courtesy and talked about the real purpose of coming to Huo Yizhen today.

"Nephew Huo Xian should be aware of the recent frontline situation. The dynasty has not been particularly peaceful in recent years. Another month is when the dynasty sends envoys to the empire to visit and exchange. They will come with them. The president intends to let Nephew Huo Xian as the person in charge of welcoming the envoy and Princess Keya this time, and to greet the princess and the envoy with some of his confidants. I wonder what Nephew Huo Xian means?"

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